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English News Archive
Diwali symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and it is the festival of lights: Altaf Hussain
12 Nov 2012     Views: 3892
Greets Hindu community on the occasion of the Diwali festival
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has greeted the Hindu community in Pakistan and throughout the world on the occasion of the festival of Diwali. He said that Diwali is one of the most important festivals of the Hindu community and it symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. It is also the occasion of joy, mirth and happiness and celebrated as a festival of lights.
Services rendered by Iqbal Haider can never be forgotten: Altaf Hussain
12 Nov 2012     Views: 3347
Iqbal Haider has passed away but he will always live in our thoughts and memories
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has expressed his deep sense of grief and sorrow on the untimely death of former federal law minister and co-chairman of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan Iqbal Haider Advocate. Paying rich tributes to Mr Haider for his services, Mr Hussain said that he was an active human rights worker, a great personality and a true leader who always fought for the rights of the poor and deprived people.
Altaf Hussain condemns firing on the car of senior journalist and anchor person Abdul Malick
12 Nov 2012     Views: 4345
Such strong-arm tactics would only weaken the country
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has strongly condemned the incident of firing on the car of well-known journalist and senior anchor person Abdul Malick. He telephoned Mr Malick, inquired after his well-being and expressed his sympathies. He said that such strong-arm tactics would only weaken the country and hence the elements involved in it must reconsider their approach. He also offered condolences to Mr Malick on the death of his father.
Altaf Hussain grieved on the martyrdom of FB Area Sector worker Jawed Iqbal
12 Nov 2012     Views: 3258
Certain elements are killing innocent people in order to undermine peace and weaken law and order situation: MQM
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has express his deep sense of grief and sorrow on the martyrdom of the MQM FB Area Sector worker Jawed Iqbal. He sympathized with the grieving family members and said that their grief was shared by him and every other worker of the MQM. He prayed Allah to shower his blessings on the departed soul and give courage and patience to the family members to bear the loss.
MQM will organize a gathering of religious scholars on 14 November for promoting sectarian harmony
12 Nov 2012     Views: 2988
Altaf Hussain and prominent religious scholars will address the gathering being held in Lal Qila Ground in Azizabad
Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) will organize a gathering religious scholars in Lal Qila Ground in Azizabad on Wednesday 14 November 2012 for promoting sectarian harmony and defeating the vile conspiracy to spark sectarian strife in Karachi. Mr Altaf Hussain and prominent scholars belonging different shades of religious persuasion will address the gathering.
Murder of an individual, whether a Shia or a Sunni, is highly condemnable: Altaf Hussain
11 Nov 2012     Views: 3933
We believe in humanity and cannot support murders of innocent people for any reason
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that the murder of anyone, whether a Shia or a Sunni, is highly condemnable and the elements killing innocent people on their being Shia or Sunni are killing the humanity. He said that such elements were not worthy of being called human beings let alone Muslims. He was talking to members of the Co-ordination Committee at Nine Zero.
Mr Hussain deplored sectarian bloodshed in Karachi and expressed grief and sorrow at the loss of lives. He said that religion and particular set of beliefs were personal issues for an individual, and the MQM had always preached people about following their own beliefs without meddling with the beliefs and religious sensibilities of others.  News Report
MQM strongly condemns heartless killings of Sunni and Shia people in Karachi
11 Nov 2012     Views: 5514
Committees should be formed for safeguarding public life and defusing sectarian tensions in the city
The Co-ordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement has decried the slaying of innocent people belonging to the Sunni and Shia schools of thought in Karachi in the strongest possible words. It said that the relentless killings of the Sunni and the Shia people in the city gave to understand that the city was left totally at the mercy of terrorists and there was no one to safeguard the life and property of the people.
The Co-ordination Committee said that the savage terrorists involved in the killings of the Shia and Sunni and other people wanted to erode sectarian harmony.  News Report
Co-ordination Committee of the MQM offers condolence on the passing of Iqbal Haider
11 Nov 2012     Views: 2520
Iqbal Haider struggled for advancing political and human rights and his services cannot be ignored
The Co-ordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) has expressed deep grief and sorrow on the passing of former federal minister, eminent lawyer and co-chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan Mr Iqbal Haider. In a condolence message, the committee said that Mr Haider made genuine efforts for political and human rights and his services for promoting religious tolerance and harmony cannot be ignored.
Despicable acts of spilling blood on the basis of sectarian differences must be stopped: Altaf Hussain
10 Nov 2012     Views: 3319

The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has deplored the brutal killings of students and other people belonging to the Shia and Sunni schools of thought in Karachi. He said that these incidents were aimed at igniting the fire of sectarian strife in the city. He asked Governor Sindh Dr Ishratul Ebad to call Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah and convene of a meeting of the heads of law-enforcing agencies. He said that action should be taken to protect the life and property of the public on urgent basis.

Malala International Day observed at Nine Zero
10 Nov 2012     Views: 4093
The entire nation is united against the cowardly attack on Malala and her class fellows: Mrs Nasrin Jalil
Glowing tributes were paid to Malala Yousufzai, and a candlelight vigil was held at the MQM Head Office Nine Zero on the occasion of Malala International Day observed by the United Nations. A large number of people hailing from different walks of life, including women, children and young students participated in the programme in large numbers in order to express solidarity with Malala Yousufzai. They praised Malala for her courage and offered prayers for her complete recovery and well-being.

English News Archive