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English News Archive
Certain state powers are planning to start another 1992 like operation against the MQM: Altaf Hussain
19 Nov 2012     Views: 4385
Forces supporting the status quo have never accepted the MQM and their conspiracies against the MQM have never stopped
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that certain state powers were planning to start another operation against the MQM similar to the operation conducted in 1992 by levelling concocted allegation in order to stop the MQM from making struggle against the decadent system in the country. He said that the MQM was being made a scapegoat but the elements who are conspiring to vanquish to the MQM should know that the MQM is not confined to Karachi alone now.
PPP and President Zardari do not need any other enemy in the presence of the minister threatening worst operation in Karachi: MQM
19 Nov 2012     Views: 1551
Commenting upon the statement by a federal minister regarding the worst operation in Karachi, members of the Co-ordination Committee of the MQM Mr Mustafa Azizabadi, Mr Qasim Ali Raza, Mr Muhammad Ashfaque, Mr Muhammad Anwer and Mr Saleem Shahzad had said that President Asif Zardari and the PPP do not need any other enemy in the presence of that federal minister.
Where is the UN while innocent people are being killed in air raids in Gaza by Israel? : Altaf Hussain
18 Nov 2012     Views: 4396
Inaction of the OIC on the killing of Palestinian people is deplorable
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that Gaza and other Palestinian cities were being heavily bombarded by Israel resulting in the death of innocent people, including women, children and elderly. He asked where the United Nations, and the Security Council were. He said that the role of the OIC on the killing of Palestinian people on the Israeli aggression was deplorable as it was only making ostentatious efforts to get the slaughter of the Palestinian people stopped.
Prominent religious scholars hail the statement of Altaf Hussain against Israeli aggression
17 Nov 2012     Views: 3714
You have felt the pain of the Muslim world by taking step against the Israeli aggression: Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman
You have won the hearts of the Muslim Ummah by your statesmanlike statement: Mufti Muhammad Naeem
Bold stand will augur well for the Muslim world: Allama Tahir Ashrafi

Prominent religious scholars have hailed the statement of the MQM Founder and Leader Mr Altaf Hussain against the Israeli aggression on Gaza as courageous and declared that it would augur well for the Muslim world. These views were expressed by chairman of the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee and leading religious scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, Administrator of Binoria University International Mufti Muhammad Naeem, and head of Pakistan Ulema Council Allama Tahir Ashrafi, while talking to Mr Hussain on telephone.
Shia and Sunni people and religious scholars should thwart the conspiracy to ignite sectarian strife: Altaf Hussain
17 Nov 2012     Views: 1669
Maintaining sectarian harmony is of utmost importance to strengthen the unity of Muslim Ummah
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has appealed to the Shia and Sunni people and religious scholars to thwart the evil conspiracy aimed at igniting sectarian strife by exhibiting ideal sectarian harmony during the month of Muharram. He said that Muharram is a sacred month for Muslims of every shade and school of thought and this month gives us the lesson to sacrifice everything in the way of truth and righteousness and to stand fearlessly against injustices.
MQM will organize a conference in Islamabad on Sunday to express solidarity with the people of Palestine
17 Nov 2012     Views: 2630
Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) will hold a conference in Islamabad on Sunday, 18 November 2012 in order to express solidarity and sympathy with the helpless people of Palestine against the Israeli aggression. The conference will be held in a local hotel in Islamabad. Prominent political and social personalities will express their concerns on the unwarranted Israeli aggression and growing restiveness in the Muslim world.
Attacks on Gaza are acts of blatant aggression: Altaf Hussain
17 Nov 2012     Views: 9328
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and US President Barack Obama should use their influence to stop the Israeli aggression else the world may slide into a third world war
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has strongly condemned the Israeli attacks on Gaza and other Palestinian cities and termed it as blatant aggression. He has expressed his heartfelt grief and sorrow on the martyrdom of many innocent Palestinian people in the attacks and urged on Secretary General of the UN Mr Ban Ki-moon and the US President Mr Barack Obama to use their influence to stop the Israeli aggression or the world may slide into a third world war. Urdu News
A conspiracy is a foot to spark sectarian violence in Karachi: Altaf Hussain
14 Nov 2012     Views: 4586
Government and security forces must stop the killings of innocent people in Karachi otherwise the country could suffer irreparable loss
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement has said a conspiracy is afoot to spark sectarian violence in Karachi, and the sectarian killings in the city are a part of the same conspiracy. He urged upon the government and the security forces to the killings of innocent people in Karachi because if it continued ceaselessly it would cause irreparable damage to the country. He said this while addressing a large gathering of religious scholars belonging to different schools of thought in Jinnah Ground, Azizabad in order to promote sectarian harmony during the month of Muharram.  Live Speech | Urdu News
Altaf Hussain will address a large gathering of religious scholars tomorrow in Jinnah Ground
13 Nov 2012     Views: 2837
The programme is being held to foil the conspiracy to spark sectarian strife in Karachi
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) will address a large gathering of religious scholars belonging to different schools of thought tomorrow on 14 November in Jinnah Ground, Azizabad. The programme is being organized by the Ulema Committee of the MQM for foiling the conspiracy to spark sectarian strife and for promoting harmony and unity. All arrangements of the programme have been finalized. Prominent scholars from different shades of religious persuasion have been invited to attend the programme. They will also speak on the occasion.
Altaf Hussain offers condolences to Deputy Speaker Faisal Karim Kundi on the death of his father
13 Nov 2012     Views: 3505
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has offered his condolences to Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Mr Faisal Karim Kundi on the death of his father Fazal Karim Kundi. He extended sympathies to Mr Kundi and other members of the family and prayed Allah to rest the departed soul in eternal peace. He also prayed Allah to give courage and patience to the family members for bearing the irreparable loss.

English News Archive