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English News Archive
Do not hurt anyone or damage their property if the protestations of love for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are true even in the smallest degree: Altaf Hussain
21 Sep 2012     Views: 3427
Is violence an expression of love or is it belittling the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
Altaf Hussain’s address to a peaceful protest gathering in Karachi against the sacrilegious film
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has urged upon the United Nations, the OIC and the international community at large to take serious notice of the sacrilegious film and disparaging caricatures about the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He warned that the world might be engulfed in the flames of a third world war if the international community failed to take notice and the provocations of the Muslims continued unstoppably. 
Muttahida Bain-ul-Muslimeen Forum will hold a protest demonstration against the sacrilegious film at the press club today on 21st Sep 2012
20 Sep 2012     Views: 3267
The Muttahida Bainul-Muslimeen Forum will hold a protest demonstration against the sacrilegious film on Friday the 21st September 2012 at Karachi Press Club at 3:00 p.m. Religious scholars belonging to different schools of thought and general public transcending across sectarian differences, and beliefs would register their protest against the wicked and disparaging film. Members of the forum will address the people coming to attend the peaceful demonstration. 
Public should refrain from damaging public property while registering their protest against the wicked film: Altaf Hussain
20 Sep 2012     Views: 1957

 Damaging public property would have no effect on the makers of the sacrilegious films. 

It will only hurt the country and fellow citizens

 The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has once again condemned the sacrilegious film and appealed to the people to refrain from damaging government and public property while getting their protest registered. He said that violent protests and damaging public properties would have no effect on the makers of the wicked film and their supporters. It would only harm the country and fellow citizens.

No one will leave the country if able and qualified people are given the position they deserve: Altaf Hussain
20 Sep 2012     Views: 2812
Art and artists are given little importance in the country. Artists are treated shabbily even at government level
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said if talent is recognized in the country, and able and qualified people are given the position they deserve, no one would leave the country and settle abroad. They would remain in the country and serve the nation. He said this while talking to the prominent radio and TV artist of the past Neelofar Abbasi, her husband and former senior producer of the Radio Pakistan Mr Qamar Ali Abbasi, and famous actress Ms Zeba Bakhtiar on the telephone. Mrs Abbasi has been living with her husband and other members of her family in New York for many years.
Altaf Hussain asks people to implement neighbourhood watch system in their areas
18 Sep 2012     Views: 3149

Vigilance committees should be formed and police should be alerted in case of any suspicious activity
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has appealed to the shopkeepers, market associations and the general citizens to implement a neighbourhood watch system in their respective markets and localities in view of terrorism threats. He said this while talking to the members of the Co-ordination Committee of the MQM at Nine Zero.

Effective steps should be taken for eliminating terrorism: Altaf Hussain
18 Sep 2012     Views: 2844

Police department should be reinforced on scientific lines for curbing terrorism
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has urged upon the federal and provincial governments to take effective steps for eliminating terrorism. He said this while talking to Governor Sindh Ishrat-ul-Ebad, Chief Secretary Sindh Raja Abbas, and IGP Sindh Fayyaz Leghari at the Governor House. Talking to the officials, he said that the police and security forces must organize on scientific lines in order to containing terrorism and protecting the lives of the people.

MQM condemns deadly bomb blast near Hyderi Market
18 Sep 2012     Views: 3677
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has strongly condemned the bomb blasts in the Bohri mohalla near Hyderi market and expressed his grief on the deaths of several persons and injuries to many others. He termed the incident as a blatant act of terrorism.
He said that the terrorist elements wanted to create confusion in the country by giving rise to uncertainty in the Karachi. He said that that the elements behind such deadly blasts were enemies of the country and they were unleashing terrorism in the city in order to achieve their nefarious aims.
Altaf Hussain condemns attack on the bus en route from Taftan to Quetta
18 Sep 2012     Views: 2443
The attack on the bus is continuation of fuelling sectarian violence and bloodshed
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has strongly condemned the bomb attack and firing on a bus en route from Taftan Quetta and said that it was the continuation of fuelling sectarian violence and bloodshed.
He said that the barbaric terrorists were threatening the national security by killing innocent people. Such savage killers must be brought swiftly to justice in order to stop these incidents from occurring in future.
Murder of Dr Pervaiz Mahmood is a deep conspiracy to destroy peace in Karachi: MQM
18 Sep 2012     Views: 3043
JI has made it a habit to lay the blame of every murder in Karachi at the door of MQM
The Co-ordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) has strongly condemned the Jamaat-i-Islami for falsely accusing the MQM in the murder of former Town Nazim Dr Pervaiz Mahmood and termed it an abhorrent conspiracy to malign the MQM. It said that the murder of any person was deserved to be condemned. The MQM condemns the murder of Dr Mahmood and feels that it the part of deep conspiracy to destroy peace in the city.
59th Birthday of Altaf Hussain observed with simplicity
17 Sep 2012     Views: 2479
The 59thBirthday of MQM Founder and Leader Mr Altaf Hussain was observed with simplicity due to Baldia Town tragedy. Fruits and flowers were distributed among patients in different hospitals of the city. Food was sent to the incarcerated workers of the MQM and the graves of the martyred workers were visited.
MQM elected representatives and ministers visited hospitals and inquired after the well being of the patients who had sustained injuries due to horrific fire in the ill-fated Baldia Town factory. They distributed fruits and flowers among the patients and expressed sympathies on behalf of Mr Altaf Hussain.

English News Archive