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English News Archive
I stand by the facts presented about the religious creed of the Quaid-i-Azam: Altaf Hussain
25 Aug 2012     Views: 2896
Conversation with delegations of Shia Ulema, Zakirin, and office-bearers of various Imam Bargahs at the Lahore Zone Office

Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that he had stated historical facts about the religious creed of the founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah after thorough research, and he stood by what he had said. I would challenge all those people who think that I have presented wrong facts. They should try to disprove me by substantiating their claims with historical facts.

Altaf Hussain is raising his voice for equal rights of minorities: MQM
25 Aug 2012     Views: 2664
Altaf Hussain is struggling for the minorities according to the teachings of the Quaid-i-Azam
The Co-ordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) has said that Pakistan needed unity and solidarity in the present circumstances. Killing Pakistani citizens on the basis of sectarian differences was, in fact, killing the Quaid-i-Azam. Pakistan was surrounded by threats and killing people belonging to the Shia community by pulling them off from buses and verifying their identity was an act of enmity against Pakistan itself.
Killing of innocent people because of religious affiliations must end: Altaf Hussain
25 Aug 2012     Views: 2106

Conversation with noted Shia scholar from Gilgit-Baltistan Agha Rahat-ul-Hussaini
Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that it was his foremost effort to stop the killings of innocent people based on religious beliefs and persuasion. He said that he was raising his voice for ending hatred and prejudices, and he would continue to do so without any fear of repercussions. He was talking on the telephone to noted Shia scholar from Gilgit-Baltistan Agha Rahat-ul-Hussaini.

Noted Shia Ulema thank Altaf Hussain for raising a bold voice against killings of Shia people
23 Aug 2012     Views: 6137
Allama Ali Karrar Naqvi, Allama Abbas Kumaili and Allama Tahir Mashhadi telephoned Altaf Hussain in London
Noted Shia Ulema Allama  Ali Karrar Naqvi, Allama Abbass Kumaili, and Allama Athar Mashhadi telephoned the MQM Founder and Leader Mr Altaf Hussain in London and thanked him for raising an undaunted voice against the manslaughter of the people belonging to the Shia community. The Shia Ulema expressed gratitude on behalf on the entire Shia community and the oppressed people.
Allama Naqvi said that there had never been a political leader like Mr Hussain in the country who had expressed the truth with such boldness and fearlessness. He said that Mr Hussain had acquitted himself well in the atmosphere of oppression and suffocation. He said that the Shias as well as Sunnis were satisfied at the statements recently issued by Mr Hussain on the killings of the Shia people in the country.
 News Report
Government should make stern laws for the use of mobile phone SIM cards: Altaf Hussain
23 Aug 2012     Views: 3968
Conversation with Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik
Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has demanded the federal government and the people at the helm of affairs to make stern laws for the use of mobile phone SIM cards as the mobile phones were being used in terrorism, bomb blasts, kidnappings for ransom and demand for extortion money. He said that it was necessary for checking heinous crimes and incidents and terrorism. He said this while talking to Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik on the telephone.  News Report
The Quaid-e-Azam had left the Ismaili sect to adopt the Shia Twelver sect: Altaf Hussain
22 Aug 2012     Views: 14662
Killing innocent people on their being Shia was equal to killing the Quaid-e-Azam and killing the Quaid-e-Azam is the same as  killing Pakistan
A delegation of intellectuals called upon MQM Founder and Leader Mr Altaf Hussain at the International Secretariat of the party in London. The delegation asked several questions from Mr Hussain about his recent statement regarding Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Mr Hussain listened to the questions with patience.
In response to a question regarding the religious persuasion and creed of the Quaid-i-Azam, Mr Hussain said that all the students of history should note it down that it was proven from historical facts that the founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam earlier belonged to Ismaili sect. But in 1898, he had submitted an affidavit in a magistrate court in Bombay in which he had deposed that his family had always been Ismaili but he and his sister Fatima were adopting the Shia Twelver sect by leaving the Ismailia sect. 
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Killing of Shias in Baluchistan and Gilgit is a conspiracy against national solidarity: Altaf Hussain
22 Aug 2012     Views: 2404
Targeting a particular community is equal to thrusting the country in the inferno of sectarian strife

Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that the killing of people belonging to the Jafria school of thought in Gilgit-Baltistan and Baluchistan after verifying their identity is highly condemnable and a heinous conspiracy against national solidarity. He said that people belonging to the Hazara community in Baluchistan were being killed after being pulled off from buses because they belonged to a particular school of thought.

Elements killing Shia people are in fact conspiring to kill Pakistan: Altaf Hussain
20 Aug 2012     Views: 3100
Conversion on telephone with Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf and Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik
Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that the elements that are killing Shia people after taking them out of buses and verifying their identity are, in fact, conspiring to kill Pakistan. He said that all patriotic Pakistanis must boycott such ruthless elements. He said this while talking to Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf and Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik on the telephone.  News Report
Altaf Hussain greets the nation on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr
20 Aug 2012     Views: 2696
May this Eid bring peace, security and blessings for Pakistan
Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has greeted the Muslims in throughout the world on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fir. He has prayed Almighty Allah to make this Eid a bringer of peace, security and blessings for Pakistan and the entire world.
Consecutive attacks on defence installations pointing to unseen planning against Pakistan: Altaf Hussain
17 Aug 2012     Views: 2987

Addressing the intellectuals, columnists, religious and political leaders and social personalities ofPakistan, Founder and Leader of the MQM has asked to think about the unseen planning that was being pointed to by consecutive terrorist-attacks on important defence installations and the migration of the Hindu community toIndia. He said this while talking to noted columnist and intellectual Mr Hassan Nisar on telephone...

English News Archive