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English News Archive
Reports about discussions on finding the successor of Altaf Hussain are baseless and misleading: MQM
21 Jul 2013     Views: 3337
Workers and office-bearers of the MQM are firmly united under the leadership of Altaf Hussain
The Co-ordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) has rejected the news reports published in a section of press regarding the discussions about the successor of Mr Altaf Hussain as baseless, misleading, irresponsible and hilarious.
Scholars ‘ulema’ from all schools of thought should protest against Terrorists’ attack on Shrine of Hazrat Bibi Zainab: Altaf Hussain
21 Jul 2013     Views: 1802
Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) leader Altaf Hussain has strongly condemned the attack on the shrine of Hazrat Bibi Zainab and said that scholars ‘ulema’ from all schools of thought would have to create unity among their ranks and record historical protest against such dire acts of terrorism. He discussed the situation on telephone with prominent shia scholar Allama Abbas Kumeli last night.
Attack on the shrine of Bibi Zainab is the attack on the unity and oneness of the Muslim world. Altaf Hussain
20 Jul 2013     Views: 2620
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement Mr Altaf Hussain has said that the attack on the shrine of Hazrat Bibi Zainab in Syria has caused him profound shock and pain. Syeda Bibi Zainab was the granddaughter of our last Prophet Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (P.B.U.H) and piece of heart of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima Zehra. Terrorists have not only attacked her shrine but also have attacked the unity and oneness of the whole Muslim world.
Altaf Hussain talked with Allama Talib Jauhari
20 Jul 2013     Views: 2876
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement Mr Altaf Hussain telephoned renowned religious scholar Allama Talib Jauhari on Saturday morning and strongly condemned the attack by the terrorists on the shrine of Bibi Zainab. He termed it as an attack on the entire Muslim Ummah.
Altaf Hussain calls Allama Tahir Ashrafi
20 Jul 2013     Views: 2275
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement Mr Altaf Hussain telephoned Allama Tahir Ashrafi head of Pakistan Ulema Council early morning on Saturday and expressed his sorrow on the attack on the shrine of Bibi Zainab in Damascus.
Mr Hussain said that attack on the shrine of the Bibi Zainab is actually the part of conspiracy to disintegrate the unity of the Muslims across the globe.
The terrorists attacking on the shrine of Bibi Zainab cannot be Muslims. Altaf Hussain
19 Jul 2013     Views: 2488
The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement Mr Altaf Hussain has strongly condemned the attack on the shrine of Hazrat Zainab (RA) by the terrorists in Syria.
While deploring the attack Mr Hussain said that attack on Bibi Zainab shrine is a conspiracy against Muslims and terrorists have assaulted the family of Hazrat Mohammed (peace be upon Him) by attacking the shrine of Bibi Zainab® who was the granddaughter of last prophet and daughter of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima.
Democracy sans local government is incomplete: Dr Maqbool Siddiqui
19 Jul 2013     Views: 2893
Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s Coordination Committee’s Deputy Convener, Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, said here on Friday that democracy without local governments in the country was incomplete.
“The Local Bodies Act, 1979 negates the Constitution’s Article 140- A and hence it cannot be enforced,” he added.
He was speaking at the inauguration of park `Khursheed Begum Park’ developed in Buffer Zone’s 15-A-4 with the funds of Haq Parast MNA, Shaikh Salahuddin.
Rehman Malik meets MQM Coordination Committee in London
19 Jul 2013     Views: 3244
Pakistan People’s Party leader and a former Federal Interior Minister, Senator Rehman Malik, met on Friday the Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s Coordination Committee, London and discussed in detail the country’s overall political situation, particularly of Sindh, MQM-PPP relations and other matters of mutual interest.
MQM MPAs slam government’s move of raising wall in Lyari
17 Jul 2013     Views: 3126
Condemning the Sindh government’s decision of raising a partition wall between Lyari’s localities inhabited by Kutchhi and Baloch communities, Sindh Assembly’s members belonging to Muttahida Qaumi Movement described the move as the government’s `incompetency and failure’.
Non Payment of Salaries to Government Employees including the Employees of Local Government should be noticed – Haq Parast MPAs
17 Jul 2013     Views: 2063
Due to non provision of funds by Sind Government, the Government Employees not been paid salaries for the last several months
Haq Parast members Sindh assembly (MPAs) have shown their grave concerns over the non-payment of salaries to Government employees including the employees of local government, for the last several months, due to cease of funds by the Sind Government.

English News Archive