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English News Archive
Album5: MQM Express Solidarity With QeT Altaf Hussain
02 Feb 2014     Views: 1962
Album4: MQM Express Solidarity With QeT Altaf Hussain
02 Feb 2014     Views: 2009
Album3: MQM Express Solidarity with QeT Altaf Hussain
02 Feb 2014     Views: 2196
Album2: MQM Express Solidarity with QeT Altaf Hussain
02 Feb 2014     Views: 2172
Album1: MQM Express Solidarity with QeT Altaf Hussain
02 Feb 2014     Views: 2221
Album6: MQM Expresses Solidarity With QeT Altaf Hussain
02 Feb 2014     Views: 2179
Coverage of Rallies and Demonstrations to show Solidarity with QET Altaf Hussain
02 Feb 2014     Views: 2060
MQM delegation submits a memorandum to the Deputy High Commissioner of the UK in Karachi
01 Feb 2014     Views: 2615
The MQM respects the freedom of press and media but rejects media trial as yellow journalism

A seven-member delegation of Muttahida Quami Movement comprising members of the Co-ordination Committee and parliamentarians met the Deputy High Commissioner of the United Kingdom in Karachi Mr John Tucknott and presented a memorandum in the form of letter addressed to the British Prime Minister Mr David Cameron.
Detailed Answers given by Barrister Nasim in BBC Two Program NewsNight about the MQM
31 Jan 2014     Views: 6287
A news report was broadcast in the programme Newsnight on BBC Two on 29th January 2014 at 10:30 pm BST in which baseless allegations were levelled against the MQM and its Founder and Leader Mr Altaf Hussain. A similar news report about the MQM was broadcast in the same programme sometimes back also and similar charges were levelled against the MQM. Unfortunately the MQM version was not given proper coverage and the report created a false impression
MQM Hyderabad & Multan zones hold demos against BBC documentary
31 Jan 2014     Views: 1691
Protest demonstrations and rallies were organised by Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s Hyderabad and Multan zones on Friday to voice anger over the uncalled for and baseless allegations levelled in the BBC documentary against their leader Altaf Hussain and the party.

English News Archive