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English News Archive
Aitzaz’s Statement Seems Pro-terrorists: MQM Punjab
23 Dec 2014     Views: 3363
Muttahida Quami Movement Punjab President Mian Attique on Tuesday condemned PPP Senator Aitzaz Ahsan statement in which he criticized MQM Quaid’s Statement about Red Mosque as contradicting to facts and termed it more encouraging and favoring to terrorists.MQM Punjab President said that whatever MQM Quaid said about Red Mosque and his cleric was according to the living facts of the Islamic history.
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Taliban come to rescue Abdul Aziz: Threat of Ahsanullah Ahsan to Social Activist Jibran Nasir
22 Dec 2014     Views: 2739

Taliban Come to Rescue Abdul Aziz as nation demands #ArrestAbdulAziz : Threat Of Chief Spokesman of Jamat ul Ahrar Ahsanullah Ahsan to Social Activist Jibran Nasir for registering FIR against Lal Masjid Khateeb Maulana Abdul Aziz and demanding his arrest.
Trafalgar Square remembers Peshawar attack victims
22 Dec 2014     Views: 3312
Pakistan’s liberal and progressive political party, the Muttahida Qaumi movement organized a candle light vigil at the Trafalgar square, London on Sunday, December 21st in memory of the Peshawar attack victims.
The event was attended by people from different walks of life including politicians and representatives of different faiths. ‘The European Parliament stands in solidarity 
Eradicate Taliban to Save Pakistan: MQM
22 Dec 2014     Views: 2014
To pay reverence to martyrs of the Peshawar attack and to show solidarity with the Pakistan Army and the associates of the martyrs, MQM arranged a vigil at the Trafalgar Square in London. Of those attending the event unanimously agreed that in order to save Pakistan it was essential to not only eradicate Taliban but also those elements that are in favour and in support of them. 
On this occasion member European Parliament and Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee, Amjad Bashir while sharing his personal thoughts and on behalf
Threatening statement against Altaf Hussain: MQM gets FIR registered against Maulana Abdul Aziz
21 Dec 2014     Views: 3425
Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) on Sunday organized a protest demonstration at Karachi Press Club on threatening video message against Mr. Altaf Hussain.
Talking to the media persons MQM Pakistan In-charge Qamar Mansoor said MQM is the third largest party in the country and millions of people love its founder and leader Mr. Hussain, He said that the 
Protest against threatening message of Maulana Abdul Aziz
21 Dec 2014     Views: 3590
Photo Album Karachi
Photo Album Hyderabad
Threatening video message of Maulana Abdul Aziz is totally false, shameless and condemnable – Altaf Hussain
21 Dec 2014     Views: 2631
Masjid Al Dirar was erected to harm Muslims and for this reason Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) ordered its demolition on the command of Allah
Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) in his statement declaredthe threatening video message released by Maulana Abdul Aziz, Khateeb(person who delivers sermons) of Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) on 20th December 2014astotally false, shameless and condemnable.
Abdul Aziz threatening Message
Students of Jamia Hafsa Pledges Allegiance to IS
Reference of Quran regarding Masjid Al Dirar
Video and Verbatim - Jamia Hafsa Students Message
21 Dec 2014     Views: 2878

We thank Allah for bestowing upon us the good tidings of ISIS.
We praise Allah, who granted us the Emir of the believers, Mullah Muhammad Omar, and the Caliphate of the Muslims, Sheik Abu Bakr Al-Hussaini Al-Quraishi Al-Bagdadi.
This is a message from the students of Jamia Hafsa, addressed, first of all to our brothers the Mujahedeen in the Islamic State, and to all mujahedeen in general: Oh brothers,  you have protected our honour, and we pray for you every night here, in the land of Pakistan.
Verbaitm and Video: Grave Threatening Message of Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Majid (Red Mosque) In Islamabad against QET Altaf Hussain
21 Dec 2014     Views: 15380

Altaf Hussain’s infidelic beliefs and our weakness
I said this a few days back that the standard we have is double standard that whoever has power and might can do whatever he wants, it is such a free state. No one condemns it but if oppressed ones does something then everyone condemn it. There was a reactive chaos across country on it.

The aftermath: There is a genuine sense of anger against Islamic extremism in Pakistan after the Peshawar attack, Mail Online India
21 Dec 2014     Views: 1435
The most fearless attack on Taliban, meanwhile, has come from Altaf Hussain, leader of Muttahida Qaumi Movement. 
In a massive solidarity rally in Karachi, which featured banners like ‘Crush Taliban to Save Pakistan’, he not only requested the army to spread military action into other parts of the country, but also called for the constitution of a “neighbourhood-watch” to thwart future retaliation. 

English News Archive