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English News Archive
MQM will not accept the imposition of illegal and draconian black law ‘Pakistan Protection Bill 2014’: Altaf Hussain
10 Apr 2014     Views: 2161
Protection of Pakistan Bill 2014 shows the authoritarian, repressive mentality and thinking of the government and its allies
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Hussain has said that MQM will not accept the imposition of illegal and draconian black law ‘Pakistan Protection Bill 2014’.  He added that MQM would protest against the law till its last worker is alive.
Rabita Committee condemns the brutal murder of PML-N lawyers forum office-bearer Syed Waqar Shah
10 Apr 2014     Views: 2218
MQM’s Rabita Committee has condemned the brutal murder of the office-bearer of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) lawyers' forum by armed men.
The government should take a serious notice of the bomb attack in Islamabad, which has resulted in deaths and the wounded: Altaf Hussain
09 Apr 2014     Views: 2218
The government has left us at the mercy of  terrorists and miserably failed to provide protection to life and property of the people 
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has condemned the bomb attack in Islamabad and has expressed his sorrow and grief over the deaths, and people who have been injured in the attack.
Senator Babar Ghauri has termed the ‘Protection of Pakistan Law’ a black law
09 Apr 2014     Views: 2895
This black law would be used as a pretext for the imposition of civil marshal law
Senator Babar Ghauri has expressed serious reservations on the ‘Protection of Pakistan Law’. He has termed it a black law. He added that this black law would be used as a pretext for the imposition of civil marshal law.
Altaf Hussain expresses condemnation of the bomb blast inside a bogie of the Jaffar Express at Sibbi Railway Station
08 Apr 2014     Views: 1970
Terrorists are carrying out brazen attacks to destabilize the country, Mr. Hussain deplores 
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has expressed condemnation of the bomb blast inside a bogie of the Jaffar Express at Sibbi Railway Station.
Mr. Hussain is struggling against the feudal system and dynastic politics in the country: Amin-ul-Haque & Iftikhar Randhawa
07 Apr 2014     Views: 3263
He wanted to eliminate them and establish the rule of the poor in the country
Rabita Committee members Syed Amin-ul-Haque and Iftikhar Randhawa has said that Mr. Hussain is struggling against the feudal system and dynastic politics in the country. They added he wanted to eliminate them and establish the rule of the poor in the country.
Altaf Hussain appeals to MQM workers and people to attend ‘Isteqam-e-Pakistan Conference’ in large numbers
07 Apr 2014     Views: 1915
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has appealed to people belonging to all schools of thoughts living in Faisalabad and its suburb to attend the ‘Isteqam-e-Pakistan Conference’ in large numbers. This conference is being held on the first death anniversary of well-known scholar Sahibzada Fazl Kareem on April 20, 2014.
MQM’s Deputy Parliamentary Leader in the Sindh Assembly condemns the bank robbery in the Garden West
06 Apr 2014     Views: 2389
The government has failed to provide protection to the life and properties of people despite lofty claims
MQM’s Deputy Parliamentary Leader in the Sindh Assembly Khawaja Izhar-ul-Haque has condemned the bank robbery in the Garden West Area. The robbers broke open the lockers and took away valuables.
People have realized the propaganda campaign against MQM by the exploitive forces in Punjab: Altaf Hussain
06 Apr 2014     Views: 2928
People of Punjab especially young men are joining MQM in large numbers
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has said people have realized the propaganda campaign against MQM by the exploitive forces in Punjab. He added that people of Punjab especially young men were joining MQM in large numbers. 
The government, military and bureaucracy should decide General Musharraf’s case on merit rather than on personal likes and dislikes: Altaf Hussain
05 Apr 2014     Views: 2520
It would be good for the national interest
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has said to the government, military and bureaucracy to decide General Musharraf’s case on merit rather than on personal likes and dislikes. He added it would be good for the national interest.

English News Archive