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English News Archive
Live Video Briefing. Central Organizing committee MQM Canada 09 December 2017
09 Dec 2017     Views: 1464
Video Briefing of MQM South Africa held at Johannesburg Chapter Women Wing on 9th December 2017
09 Dec 2017     Views: 1519
LIVE: Video Briefing of the Overseas MQM USA Chapter Detroit, Michigan, Saturday 9th December, 2017 at 9:00pm (UK time) 2:00am (Pakistan Time)
09 Dec 2017     Views: 1408
Police & Rangers' brutalities against innocent Mohajirs at Shoda Yadgar, Azizabad, Karachi - 9 December 2017
09 Dec 2017     Views: 1607
Shocking video of state atrocities against Mohajirs, innocent Mohajir parents along with their children arrested from Shoda Yadgar, Azizabad, Karachi on 9 December 2017
09 Dec 2017     Views: 1602
LIVE: Shoda Yadgar, Azizabad - 9 December 2017
09 Dec 2017     Views: 1635
9 December Martyrs Day ,@Prime Time with Anis Farooqui on TAG TV
08 Dec 2017     Views: 2114
9 December Martyrs Day 
 MQM Mourns 22K died in Extra Judicial Killings 
@Prime Time with Anis Farooqui on TAG TV
07 Dec 2017     Views: 738
Military establishment, paramilitary Rangers and government would make a manifest of same spirit they had made during the 21-day long protest sit-in by the zealots at Faizabad in Islamabad and avoid any use of force by calling them their own people; they would not lay hurdles and impediments to prevent Mohajirs from observing the Martyrs Day on December 9 so that Mohajir Nation could offer prayers to the departed should of the martyrs and pay the due homage for their sacrifices – Coordination Committee
Video Briefing of MQM South Africa held at Durban on 7 December 2017
07 Dec 2017     Views: 1187
Live: Video Briefing. Central Organizing Committee MQM Canada 07 December, 2017 Toronto Canada UK Time 2:15am
07 Dec 2017     Views: 1393

English News Archive