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Altaf Hussain execrates workers’ killings

A government of a nonbeliever can survive but not a government of a tyrant: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 5/29/2014
We have exercised self-restrain and endure repression and persecution. People will not tolerate for long.
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has said that a government of a nonbeliever can survive but not a government of a tyrant. 
“Hazrat Ali has categorically said that a government of a nonbeliever can survive. However, an unjust government which encourages and promotes nepotism, favoritism and ethnic strive cannot survive, “ Mr. Hussain quoted Hazrat Ali. 
Mr. Hussain quoted a verse from Surat Al-Ĥujurāt  , “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.”
Commenting on the arbitrary arrests of MQM workers Mr. Hussain said, “ Is it written in the law that MQM’s workers should be killed unlawfully on suspicion after subjecting them to inhuman torture? .”
“People belonging to Prime Minister’s party and other political and religious parties display sophisticated weapons and fire thousands of rounds in air to show their emotion. Our government and law enforcement agencies never take action against them and say that they are using their licensed weapons to express their emotion. Sophisticated weapons are openly and freely used in Punjab than other provinces. No one says anything about the climate of violence and lawlessness in Punjab. People or parties who use weapons are not labeled as terrorists because they are sons of soil, “ Mr. Hussain deplored over the lawlessness in Punjab.
“ Today we witnessed devilment and tumult during the by-elections in Punjab. If this had happened in Karachi they would have raided our sector and unit offices and houses of our workers. They would have even arrested old parents and relatives of workers, “ Mr. Hussain deplored.
“This is double system of justice. This kind of justice system can pose a threat to Pakistan. Do our rulers want to keep this double system of justice? I can pray for Pakistan. May Allah given them power to differentiate between right and wrong and do justice, “ Mr. Hussain said.
“We have exercised self-restrain and endure repression and persecution. People will not tolerate repression and persecution for long. They could revolt. They could ignore my appeals. People who are repressing and persecuting us will be responsible for the revolt, “ Mr. Hussain warned.
Mr. Hussain and quoted a Hadith to explain what is bias. He said, “ The pious companions of the Prophet(SAW) asked if would be bias if we show strong feeling in favor of our tribe or community. The Prophet (SAW) replied that the love for one’s tribe or community could not be called bias. The Prophet(SAW) added that if you started supporting your tribe or community in their bade deeds, injustices and tyranny. It would be called bias. “

7/19/2024 4:33:57 AM