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English News Archive
Latest: Tweet By Founder Leader MQM Altaf Hussain
27 Nov 2020     Views: 941
It is not obligatory on ISI to even follow the commands of COAS since they are the Supreme Authority in Occupied PAK. Unconstitutional, Unethical & Unlimited powers have been awarded to #ISI under the umbrella of #NICC to carry out their illegal activities
Live :Video Briefing of Co-ordination Committee of MQM - 24 Nov 2020
24 Nov 2020     Views: 799
Live :Video Briefing Of Central Organising Committee Of MQMUK From London -19 November 2020
19 Nov 2020     Views: 1026
Another Mohajir elder, an intellectual and a teacher Zafrullah Khan extra judicially killed in Karachi
16 Nov 2020     Views: 1022
Another Mohajir elder, an intellectual and a teacher Zafarullah Khan extra judicially killed in Karachi. He was 61 years old. Zafarullah Khan was arrested on 13th August 2020 from outside his house from N Block of North Nazimabad in Karachi by Para Military Rangers.
Latest: Tweet By Founder Leader MQM Altaf Hussain
16 Nov 2020     Views: 904
نہایت افسوسناک واقعہ: ایک ہمدرداور60سال سےزائدعمرکےبزرگ ظفراللہ خان جنہیں13اگست کورینجرز نےگرفتارکیا تھا،ان پرحراست میں3ماہ تک تشددکیاگیا،15نومبرکووہ تشددکےباعث شہیدہوگئے۔خداظفراللہ شہیدکی مغفرت فرمائے۔میں انکےاہلخانہ سےتعزیت کرتاہوں۔آپ بھی فاتحہ کریں #JusticeForZafrullahShaheed
Live: Audio Address Of Founder And Leader Of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain From MQM USA Chicago Chapter
16 Nov 2020     Views: 933
15 Nov 2020     Views: 900
Muttahida Quami Movement’s (MQM) founder and leader Altaf Hussain, who is a know politician, creator of Mohajir identity and nation, an ideologue, an academician, a philosopher, a true statesman has slammed the military establishment and the Pakistani Foreign Minister (FM) on maligning the MQM.
وزیرخارجہ شاہ محمود قریشی اور ڈی جی ، آئی ایس پی آر کی مشترکہ پریس کانفرنس میں ایم کیوایم پر لگائے گئے الزامات کوسختی سے مستردکرتاہوں۔الطاف حسین
15 Nov 2020     Views: 815
ایم کیوایم کے قائدجناب الطاف حسین نے وزیرخارجہ شاہ محمود قریشی اور ڈی جی ، آئی ایس پی آر میجر جنرل بابرافتخار کی مشترکہ پریس کانفرنس میں ایم کیوایم پر لگائے گئے الزامات کوسختی سے مستردکیاہے اور ان الزامات کو ''کھسیانی بلی کھمبا نوچے ''کے مترادف قرار دیتے ہوئے
MQM categorically denies in the strictest terms all the fabricated charges levelled against the MQM and Mr Altaf Hussain by DG ISPR.
14 Nov 2020     Views: 893
Central Co-ordination Committee of MQM held an emergency meeting on 14th November 2020 at International Secretariat London, presided by the Convenor of MQM Mr Tariq Jawaid regarding the Press Conference of Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and DG ISPR Major General Baber Iftikhar, after the meeting a joint statement of the CCC was issued which stated :
Latest: Tweet By Founder Leader MQM Altaf Hussain
13 Nov 2020     Views: 775
Happy Diwali Diya lamp to all those who believe in love, fraternity, oneness, compassion and peace. Who bring light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance #HappyDiwali
News 641 to 650 of 6573

English News Archive