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Farooq Sattar lambasts terrorists for forcing Kutcchi community to flee from homes

Farooq Sattar lambasts terrorists for forcing Kutcchi community to flee from homes
 Posted on: 7/16/2013
Terming the fleeing of a large number of Kutcchi community from their homes in the wake of Lyari gangsters’ acts of terrorism `first incident of its kind of the current century’, leader of MQM’s parliamentary party in the National Assembly, Dr Farooq   Sattar, lambasted the terrorists and those patronizing them officially.
He was speaking at an Iftar-dinner hosted by the MQM’s Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF) in honour of Kutcchi community’s families who were compelled to take shelter in Malir and Khokarabad owing to Lyari gangsters’ atrocities.
MQM Coordnation Committee’s Member Yousuf Shahwani, Haq Parast Senator Babar Ghauri, MNA Sajid Ahmed, MPA Ashfaq Manghi and office-bearers of Karachi Tanzeemi Committee and Karachi Muzafati Organising Committee and a large number of Kutcchi community’s elders, women and children were present on the occasion.
Dr Farooq Sattar said that the purpose of holding such an event was to help provide medical and relief goods among the displaced families of the Kutcchi community as well as to express solidarity with them.
On this occasion, the MQM leader said that if the government and law-enforcement agencies failed to take action against those terrorists who are bent upon creating state within state by displacing citizens from their ancestral localities and did not bring an end to their oppressions, then the citizens would free to take their own decisions.
He said that voice against the excesses being meted out to the Kutcchi community was first raised by MQM chief Altaf Hussain and he would continue to do so in future, as well.
Coordination Committee’s Member Yousuf Shahwani said that whenever injustice was meted out to any community across the country, Mr Hussain always raised voice in their support, irrespective of their language, religion or the sect.
Speaking the occasion, Senator Babar Ghauri, said that it was unfortunate the people were being displaced in their own city whereas the terrorists were roaming freely.
Highlighting the role of Kutcchi community in the creation of Pakistan, he said that it was an irony that the same community was being forced to flee from their locality.
Vowing to foil all such conspiracies, he said that the MQM would leave no stone unturned in making Karachi a peaceful city.
Haq Parast MNA Sajid Ahmed on this occasion announced that the MQM on the special directives of its chief Altaf Hussain would provide all facilities to Kutcchi community.
Haq Parast MPA, Ashfaq Manngi, said that although Karachi being `Mini Pakistan’, provided livelihood to all, we did feel safe in our own city merely because of few terrorists.
He deplored that although brothers belonging to Kutcchi community were being displaced, government was playing a role of silent spectator.
Meanwhile, MNA Ashfaq Manghi visited the medical camp set up by the KKF and met the affected people.

7/18/2024 12:33:13 PM