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Altaf sees conspiracy for bringing right-wingers to power,Pakistan Observer
Date: 4/27/2013
Pakistan Observer
Saturday, April 27, 2013 - karachi—The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain said that there was a conspiracy to give power to right-wing parties in Pakistan by keeping out the liberal and enlightened parties out of the electoral process.
If the elements behind this conspiracy succeeded in their endeavours, the people living in posh localities would also not remain safe.
He said this while talking to the MQM nominated candidate for National Assembly Khushbakht Shujaat and the candidate for Provincial Assembly Ali Rashid from the Defence and Clifton areas.
He said that the MQM office-bearers, workers and sympathizers were being made targets of terrorism for the past several days. The election offices of the MQM were closed in order to save the loss of precious lives. Now the situation has deteriorated to the extent that even closed officeswere not safe from the barbarity of terrorists.
He said that the MQM was being pinned to walls, and an unannounced restriction had been placed on its election activities in order to give open ground to terrorists for robbing its mandate.He said that if the elements behind the conspiracy to bring right-wing parties in power succeeded, then no home in Karachi would be safe. If the raging fire of terrorism against the MQM was not doused and people living in Defence, Clifton and other posh localities did not raise their voice against it, their own homes would not remain safe. People living in rich areas should display unity and show by their action that they condemn the terrorism against the MQM.
He said that the MQM would not give up its democratic, constitutional and legal rights under anycondition.
Our courage and determination cannot be lowered under any circumstance. We will face every injustice and tyranny, but we will not leave the ground.