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A democracy without local bodies or local council system is worse than dictatorship: Altaf Hussain

A democracy without local bodies or local council system is worse than dictatorship: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 9/17/2014
Human Rights Organizations, which do not talk about the tragic incidents of Qasba-Aligarh in Karachi Pakka Qila in Hyderabad are fake organizations.
Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s leader Mr Altaf Hussain has said that he considers a democracy without a local bodies or local council system worse than dictatorship.

“The Supreme Court should establish courts in jails and release all the prisoners who have completed their sentences and are still languishing in jails. Human Rights organizations, which do not talk about the tragic incidents of Qasba-Aligarh in Karachi and Pakka Qila in Hyderabad are fake organizations. MQM will stop their funding if it comes to power. Not only Pervez Musharraf but also cases should be registered against former Chief Justice, Army Chief Ashfaq Kiyani and other generals under article 6 of the constitution for the imposition of ‘Emergency’ on October 12, 1999,”  Mr. Hussain said.

He said that MQM would send all the people who had looted and plundered national wealth in huts and turn their palaces into schools, colleges, hospitals and vocational centres for women.

Mr. Hussain expressed these views while addressing gatherings in 50 places across the globe through a video link, including Pakistan on the occasion of his birthday. The main programme was held in Jinnah Ground Azizabad, which was attended by members of Rabita Committee, elected representatives, office bearers, workers, supporters, scholars of different schools of thoughts, respectable people of the city and leaders belonging to other faiths in large numbers. Women also attended the gathering in large numbers.

Congratulating the participants of the gatherings on the occasion of his birthday Mr Hussain said, “By the Grace of Allah, your leader is in good health. I know every soul has to taste death one day. Some people curse me day and night. However, they are in small numbers in comparison to people who pray for my security and health.”

Addressing the so-called democrats and intellectuals he said, “How do you define democracy? Democracy means government of the people, by the people and for the people. It does not mean government of a family and for the benefits of the family. A student cannot get admission in a university unless he passes his exams from class I to Class X. In the same way democracy has different levels. The democracy of so-called democrats ends with the elections of senate, national assembly and provincial assemblies.”

“Did successive civilian governments which come to power establish the nursery of democracy? Did they implement local government system or hold election of local government?” Mr. Hussain put these question to intellectuals, writers and champions of democracy.

“I consider a democracy without a local government or local council system worse than dictatorship. Members of parliament do not maintain roads or build bridges in any part of the world. All these works are done by local bodies and local councils,” Mr Hussain said.

“It is a fact that local government elections for primary democracy have been held by military rulers only. We should praise the good works of military governments. In a sham democracy, members of a family enjoy benefits of power. Local Government system is different from dynastic rule and imperial form of governments,” Mr. Hussain said.

Addressing the human rights organizations Mr Hussain said, “Open the historical records of your organization and tell us if you have recorded the tragic incidents of Qasba-Aligarh, Pakka Qila and Hyderabad’s tragic incident of September 30. The tragedy of Qasba-Aligarh was more gruesome than the tragedy Jallianawala Bagh. “

Mr Hussain said these human rights organizations were fake and promised that if MQM came to power then it would stop the funding of these organizations.

“People should ask human rights organizations, the legal fraternity which ran the movement for the restoration of former Chief Justice of Supreme Court and the judiciary.  Where they are now? They have put former President General Musharraf on trial and imprisoned him. He is still facing the trial. Why don’t members of Lawyer’s Movement and Human Rights Organization come forward and say that former Chief Justice and Army Chief Kiyani should be also put on trial along with Gen Musharraf for the imposition of ‘Emergency on October 12, 999 under Article. All of them should be put in place, “Mr. Hussain

Mr Hussain said it was the responsibility of the present judiciary that they should clear their name or release General Musharraf unconditionally. “They can take a suo moto notice and arrest all the generals involved in the imposition of October 12, 1999 emergency,” he added.

He said that legal fraternity and human rights organizations should stage protest demonstrations for rights and justice from tomorrow and make amends for their sins.

Commenting on the condition of prisoners who are languishing in jails for years and the standard of justice in Pakistan he said, “People are languishing in the country’s jails. They have landed in jails on the charges of petty crimes and false cases. They cannot get justice because they don’t have money to fight their cases.”

Mr Hussain stressed on the Supreme Court to start accountability from the lower level and start providing justice the oppressed prisoners from the lower and sessions courts. “They should establish courts in jails and those who have completed their terms and are still languishing in jails should be released and bind the government to pay compensation to the wrong prisoners who have spent more time than their prescribed term,” added Mr. Hussain.

Mr Hussain said he wanted to see a prosperous Pakistan free of corruption and crimes. “I want to see a Pakistan free of small and big looters who have looted and plundered national wealth. I want to see Pakistan where these looters return the national wealth. If MQM gets power even for a year that it would send all the people who have looted and plundered national wealth in huts and turn their palaces into schools, colleges, hospitals and vocational centres for women, “ added Mr Hussain.

Mr Hussain asked forgiveness from people for misbehaviour of MQM’s leaders, elected representatives and local office bearers. “No parent teaches their children bad things. Parents admonish their children their behaviour turns bad. Disinherit their children. If an MQM member breaches discipline and goes against my teachings he is suspended. We cancel his basic membership if the complaint is of serious natures,” added Mr Hussain.

Mr Hussain urged MQM’s leaders and elected representatives to treat people of their constituencies humbly and politely and keep security guards according to their needs. “And make sure their behaviour should not cause trouble to people,” he added.

Mr Hussain put a question to the government regarding frequent floods. “Floods frequently occur. Poor people die as a result of floods. Floods also cause loss of billions of rupees. Why have they not planned to prevent disasters caused by floods? Why have they not built dams for water reservoir? It is said that electricity will be bought from Korea, China and Japan become some people do not allow to build dams. People of Sindh have expressed their objections and reservations on the construction of the Kalabagh Dam. They say it will make Sindh barren. Who has stopped rulers from building smaller dams? Go and visit Europe. You will find a network of small dams and water reservoirs. If we can build small dams in Pakistan we can store water and generate electricity. We will not need to import electricity from anywhere. I have said it a number of times that convene a meeting of Sindh’s scholars and experts and ask them what their objections are. Discuss with them and get their views and find a solution which could remove their reservations, “added Mr. Hussain.

Reiterating his statement regarding the formation of new provinces he said, “It is the need of the time. It should not be ignores. In the previous government of PPP had tabled resolutions in the National and Punjab Assemblies for South Punjab Province. Now people say we will not allow to form new provinces and administrative units. I want to say to people who are opposing the formation of new provinces – Hazara Province and other new provinces will be created.”

“Sindhi nationalists who spit venom against Mohajirs on the issue new provinces and spread hatred. It appears these so-called nationalist will make a Mohajir Province by their actions, “Mr. Hussain warned.

Mr. Hussain has made an appeal to the present and future government to stop the culture of using a convoy of 100 vehicles. “If you want to the post of prime minister and chief minister then you must show courage too. Do you we know how much money is wasted on this VIP culture and protection of VIP? Prime minister of Britain travels. He uses only one vehicles. But our prime minister uses a convoy of 100 vehicles. It is a poor country. We cannot afford this VIP culture,” Mr. Hussain said.

Addressing the young people Mr. Hussain said, “You must rise up against this VIP culture and raise the issue on every forum. They people will stop calling them VIP.”

Addressing the Prime Minister and his cabinet Mr. Hussain said, “Majority of demands of Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Awami Tehreek are genuine. You should accept them so they can end their protests and people should go home and the country should start its normal life and you can rule peacefully. “

Commenting the problems of prisoners in jails Mr. Hussain said that most of prisoners were languishing in jails on petty charges for years some of them have completed their sentences.

Mr. Hussain has demanded that the government and Apex Court should establish courts in hails and review the cases of prisoners.

He said that MQM would help people of Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa their rights. He appealed to the people of Pakistan to donate generously for the victims of flood

7/19/2024 10:17:16 AM