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We do not want to fight but the enemy has reached our door steps: Altaf Hussain

We do not want to fight but the enemy has reached our door steps: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 10/19/2012

How can we talk about peace with those who attack defence installations,
and sever the heads of FC, Army and Police personnel?
Armed forces and the establishment should take fearless decisions by exhibiting courage and resolve
Address on the inauguration of new units in theNazeerHussainHospital

The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said, “We do not want to fight but the enemy has reached our door steps, and the right of defence and self-protection has been granted by Allah. Armed Forces and the Establishment should take fearless decisions by showing courage and resolve. He assured that the MQM and 180 million people would stand behind the armed forces.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of new units in theNazeerHussainHospital, Mr Hussain said that the first revelation of the Quran said, “Read” and those who are enemies of knowledge deny the Holy Quran and the commandments of Almighty Allah. He added that those who deny the Holy Quran, and the commandments of Allah could not be friends of Islam.

NazeerHussainHospitalis a project of the Khidmat-i-Khalq Foundation, the charitable wing of the MQM. It has been extended and refurbished with modern healthcare facilities for the needy people.

In his address Mr Hussain spoke in detail about the first revelation of the Holy Quran and shed light on the importance of knowledge and learning. The Quran says, “Read in the name of your Lord who created. Created man out of a clot of congealed blood. Read, for your Lord is the Most Beneficent. Who taught by the pen. Taught men what he did not know.”

Mr Hussain said that knowledge is the beginning of the Holy Quran. Allah Almighty has condensed a world of knowledge in the Holy Quran. Allah says that We have subdued the Earth and skies for you. And there are signs in it for those who have knowledge.

Mr Hussain said that the Holy Quran consists of 30 parts,and its spirit is hidden in the word “Read."Hence those who have denied the commandment of reading have, in fact, denied the Holy Quran. And those who deny the Holy Quran, deny Allah Almighty.

Mr Hussain said that Allah Almighty was the Source of All Knowledge. He has commanded us to read and acquire knowledge. One who would follow the command would become closer to Allah and one who would scorn His command would be removed far from the Mercy of Allah. It is necessary to read and acquire knowledge for becoming nearer to Allah. One who denies knowledge denies Allah and His Prophet (PBUH) and the humanity.

Mr Hussain said that all branches of knowledge fall under the commandment of “Read” in the Holy Quran. Hence the command of “Read” is the key to every kind of knowledge.

Speaking to the audience, Mr Hussain said that they should decide, once and for all, that those who oppose knowledgeand learning could not be our friends. He said that those claiming to be champions of Islam were blowing and destroying school buildings. He asked if they were serving Islam by doing this or this was an act of enmity towards Islam.

Mr Hussain said that some people wanted to hold negotiations with these terrorists. “How can we hold friendship with those who defy Islam, those who deny the Holy Quran and those who act in contraventions of the injunctions of the Holy Quran? How can we talk about peace with those who attack defence installations, and sever the heads of FC, Army and Police personnel in a cold-blooded manner and impale their heads and bodies on trees and poles?”

He warned, “Today they have fired bullets on Malala Yousufzai, Shazia and Kainat. If the nation did not decide and failed to obstruct their path, their hands would reach to every other Malala of the nation. Daughters are Mercy from Allah. Hence we must save them from these cruel terrorists.”

Mr Hussain said that the nation must decide between the Quaid-i-Azam’sPakistanand the Taliban’sPakistan. “If we did not do it now, we will have to face a big destruction in the coming days.”

He said, “The nation is fully united like it was during the 1965 war. The armed forces should take advantage of this God-send opportunity. The nation is firmly united, and it does not need timid leadership. We should force the armed forces to take action against the terrorists by remaining united.”

In the end Mr Hussain congratulated the management, doctors, trustees, volunteers and other staff members of theNazeerHussainHospitalon the inauguration of new units in the hospital. He said, “We want to transform this hospital into a medical complex equipped with modern healthcare facilities so that we are able to provide quality health services to the needy and indigent people.”

Mr Hussain congratulated all those who had contributed in the completion of new units in the hospital.

Chief Trustee of the Khidmat-i-Khalq Foundation Senator Mustafa Kamal also spoke on the occasion. He told the audience about the current and future projects of the KKF.

7/18/2024 2:23:06 AM