Article By Abbas Mehkari : Way to Political Stability
Posted on: 8/5/2014 1
English Translation Of An Article By Abbas Mehkari : Way to Political Stability
Newspaper : Daily Jang
Published Date : Sunday, 3-August-2014
Pakistan came into existence as a result of political and democratic struggle. It is deplorable we could not bring political and democratic stability after the passage of 67 years. Presently, we are debating about danger to democratic system and the possibility of intervention of non-political forces. As a nation we have to think over seriously the causes of instability in a state which has come into existence as result of political and democratic struggle. If we compare our history with the global perspective and history we may find different causes of instability. However, the biggest cause of instability is that political parties are not powerful and organized the way they should be.
Elites seized control of Muslim League which made Pakistan. The party lost its touch with workers and people. After this many right and left wing parties emerged, which include Jamaat-e-Islami, National Awami Party (NAP), Awami League and Pakistan People’s Party. These parties came into existence on the basis of specific ideologies. Some of these parties were highly organized. However, the passage of time they could not maintain relations with workers and people at a level which is required to fight non-political forces.
After three decades of Independence efforts were made for the formation of Muttahida Qaumi Movement. The political party came into existence as All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organizations. It was later transformed into Muhajir Qaumi Movement. MQM transformed into Muttahida Qaumi Movement.
People can differ with MQM’s ideology. They can have political differences with MQM. However, we cannot deny that MQM is a strong political force. The party has a reputation for high standards of discipline. It has a strong relations with workers and people for a long time. This relation is based on trust and close consultation with their workers and supporters. Pakistan needs such a strong party. Political institutions in Pakistan can be strong only of we have strong political parties.
Unfortunately, we have such political parties in Pakistan whose office bearers and workers are disappointed with their leadership. There is great gulf between officer bearers and workers. They don’t have access to their leadership. That’s why they cannot develop consensus on difference issue because they do things with consultations. By and large there is no strong force to stop intervention of non-political forces in Pakistan. The weakness which I have mentioned about in the political parties is not found in MQM MQM.
MQM’s Rabita Committee and Karachi Committee are can take independent decisions on policy matters. We don’t see such power displayed by central executive committees of other political parties.
There is an effective communication between Rabita Committee and Karachi Tenzeemi Committee and other subsidiary organizations and office bearers. We don’t see communication in other parties.
MQM’s Rabita Committee can convene emergency meeting on any issues and presents their stance after close consulation. Other parties do not do close consultations on emergency situation. In other parties only party leadership takes decisions on issues. In MQM the decision taken after close consultation is accepted by everyone. All the people accept the responsibility if they make a wrong decision. That’s why there is no chance of differences and disturbance in the party. This is best democratic approach to deal with things. There is another distinctive feature of MQM which distinguishes MQM from other political parties. When they face a tough and difficult situation, they convene general body of workers in emergency situation. Sometimes they hold a emergency gathering to consult workers and people on the issue. Because of this democratic ways MQM has managed to maintain trust between its supporters and workers.
The party maintains a modern research network. MQM has established its own think tank. The think tank and research network offers their analysis and information to MQM. This is also one of the distinguished feature of MQM. There is a merit system in MQM. People advance in the party on the basis of their merit and sacrifices. This kind of merit system is not found in other parties. MQM takes care of its workers and supporters. Thousands of MQM workers have laid down their lives in the political struggle. MQM takes care of their families and heirs. MQM takes care of thousands of needy and poor. That’s why MQM’s workers are great asset. They help people as unified forces in natural disasters and accidents. The remarkable prowess of the workers of the MQM was universally acknowledged during the 2005 earthquake. The MQM volunteers established field hospital, dispensaries, blood banks and tent-lodgings for the affected people. The MQM looked after and cared for the people in these camps out of its own financial resources.
During the floods of 2010, the MQM workers had done more work than any other political party. The MQM and its workers can play an important role in easing the IDPs crisis. They can also play a critical role against extremism.
There is a system in place in the MQM which facilitates access of workers, office-bearers and common people to the party leadership which does not exist in any other political party. If we have to strengthen democratic institutions in Pakistan and guard against the intervention of non-political forces than we will have to organize and strengthen other political parties like MQM despite political and ideological differences with the party.
1/12/2025 2:15:52 AM