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The government should present killers of Tahira Asif in three days : Altaf Hussain

The government should present  killers of Tahira Asif in three days : Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 6/20/2014
She has earned the affection and esteem of MQM workers and Pakistanis who believe in justice. 
The Founder and Leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has demanded that the government should present killers of Tahira Asif in three days. He added that we would establish linkage this murder and killings of our workers in June 19, 1992 because Mian Shareef was in power in June 19, 1992 too.
“Tahira Asif joined politics in Punjab at time when the political atmosphere was violent and repressive. She joined MQM and took active part in struggle against injustices. She received death threats and faced adversities, but this did not frighten her and she struggled on with determination to complete her mission. Terrorists have separated her from us but she will be with us spiritually. If they are thinking that they will frighten MQM workers and supporters in Punjab then they should know they cannot do that, “ Mr. Hussain said.
“Today is June 19. Twenty two years ago a state operation was launched against MQM. Scores of our workers were killed. Mian Nawaz Shareef was Prime Minister and his brother was the chief minister of Punjab when the operation was launched. Today our sister Tahir Asif has been murder. Nawaz Shareef is the Prime Minister, “ Mr. Hussain deplored.
Mr. Hussain said that the brutal killings of elders, women and young in Lahore and the murder of MNA Tahira Asif indicated that killings had been done to divert army’s attention from the operation.
In response to a question Mr. Hussain said assassination attempts were made on life and she received death threats. He added that she repeatedly requested to police and the administration for security but they rebuffed her requests.
Mr. Hussain said that Tahira Asif’s sacrifice would not go in vain. He added she has earned the affection and esteem of MQM workers and Pakistanis who believe in justice. 
“Killings, terrorism and dirty tricks cannot intimidate us. I appeal to workers to remain peaceful and stage their protests in peaceful way, “ Mr. Hussain said.
Mr. Hussain expressed his heartfelt condolences with the members of bereaved family and prayed to Allah to give her high place in paradise. He endorced the three days of mourning announced by Rabita Committee. 

3/30/2025 1:59:53 AM