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No criminal will be tolerated in the MQM rank and file members: Altaf Hussain

No criminal will be tolerated in the MQM rank and file members: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 5/21/2014
Don’t support or favor criminal elements present within the ranks of MQM.
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has said in clear and categorical terms that no criminal will be tolerated in the MQM rank and file members. He added if it was found that some criminal elements have joined the rank and file of members no leniency would be shown towards them and strict disciplinary action will be taken against them.
Mr. Hussain expressed these views while addressing MQM’s different wings. Rabita Committee Karachi and London, Karachi Tenzeemi Committee, Pakhtoon Organizing Committee and other wings attended the meeting. 
“MQM has been formed to fight for the rights of Muhajirs and other oppressed people who have been deprived of their rights. Since its inception MQM has carried out  struggle in peaceful way for its missions and goals. It has never tolerated criminal elements within its ranks. People who have carried out criminal activities after joining MQM or we received complaints about them. We investigated into those complaints. We expelled them from the party when the charges were proved true, “ Mr. Hussain said this in his address.
“Thousands of people have laid down their lives for MQM’s ideology. Sacrifices of these martyrs tell that we should not allow some criminals to go their sacrifices in vain, “ Mr. Hussain said.
Mr. Hussain sternly directed MQM’s Rabita committee not support or favor criminal elements present within the ranks of MQM. He said if my brothers, sisters and relatives were found in criminal activities they should be prosecuted and shown no concession or favor. He added that he would not solicit for them. 
Mr. Hussain directed the Rabita Committee and Karachi Tenzeemi Committee to maintain discipline at every level. He also directed MQM’s Social Media Wing to show respect to national institutions in their comments and respond to comments in police manner and avoid using abusive language. 

7/19/2024 4:18:28 AM