We don’t have any political agenda. In fact, we will discuss the agenda of Pakistan in the Sufiya-e-Kiram Conference: Dr. Farooq Sattar
Posted on: 3/7/2014 1
MQM is not a religious party but it deems its responsibility to fight against the people who are exploiting the nation in the name of religion
MQM’s member of Rabita Committee and parliamentary leader in the national assembly Dr. Farooq Sattar has said that there is no hidden agenda behind holding the ‘Sufiya-e-Kiram Conference.
“We don’t have any political agenda. In fact, we will discuss the agenda of Pakistan. The conference will reflect the views of different sects and their problems. The government has suspended a large number of provisions of the constitution of Pakistan. Terrorists have captures a large part of Pakistan. They have established state within a state, “ Dr. Farooq Sattar said.
“MQM is not a religious party but it deems its responsibility to fight against the people who are exploiting the nation in the name of religion. MQM thinks exploitation in the name of religion is done to grab power in Pakistan. That’s why MQM and Mr. Hussain has decided to hold this Sufiyana Conference to unite people and inform them about the impending danger, “ Dr. Farooq expressed these views while addressing a press conference at Lahore Press Club.
Dr. Farooq Sattar said that 18 crore Pakistanis believe that Islam teaches love and peace and disapproves of terrorism and sectarianism.
“I do not see a mass of people defending Islam in Pakistan propagating that Islam was not spread by the power of sword. Rather it was spread through preaching and love. Some people think they can impose their version of Islam because no one will resist their propagation campaign then MQM’s Sufiya-Kiram conference will bulwark against such people, “ Dr. Farooq Sattar said.
“Some people want to bury the concept of the welfare and democratic state envisioned by Qaid-e-Azam. In this situation Sufiya-e-Kiram is being held to unite people and save Pakistan. Discussion on issue of terrorism going on assemblies and power corridors. Our security is threatened by the people who exploit religion. Pakistan’s survival poses great threat, “ Dr. Sattar said.
Dr. Sattar said there was no doubt Pakistan faced economic and cultural threat in the past. He added this time that state of Pakistan faces threat.
“MQM and its Qaid Altaf Hussain are not willing to show political expediency and cowardice. MQM does not act out of expediency. We urge other parties not show expediency and pluck up courage and take tough decisions to deal with the existential threat. Otherwise, our coming generation will not forget us. We have to fight for Pakistan on every level. Be it economic , political or social front. If we are exploited in the name of religion then we will have to fight in this field too. We are holding this conference for this purpose, “ Dr. Farooq said.
“Political parties and leaders are using the world ‘confusion’ on the issue of terrorism. They are doing it for their own convenience. Their right-wing voters restrain them to take actions. We should have approached these right-wing voters and persuaded and guided them to change their stance. Scholars should have been invited to remove their misunderstanding. Unfortunately, those who have challenged the state are sitting on negotiation table. The founder of Pakistan feared that religious extremism could harm Pakistan. Terrorism is the main problem and cancer for us. We have to decide that growing influence of Taliban is not good for Pakistan. I appeal on behalf of Mr. Hussain to people of Punjab to participate in the conference in large numbers, “ Dr. Farooq said.
3/26/2025 3:00:02 AM