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Government should eliminate terrorists with the help of army: Altaf Hussain

 Posted on: 2/28/2014
The government should make a clear strategy to deal with terrorism and rid the country of Taliban
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has warned that Taliban could seize the state, defense organizations, installations and weapons. Mr. Hussain demanded that the government should make a clear strategy to deal with terrorism and rid the country of Taliban.
‘If the government has made an action plan against terrorists than it should eliminate terrorists with the help of the army and save Pakistan. I am against Marshal Law and got punishment of 9 month in prison and 5 lashes, “ Mr. Hussain said.
 He expressed these views while addressing the 27 Labour Convention. MQM’s Rabita Committee members, members of MQM’s Labour Division, members of other labor organizations, MQM’s office bearers belonging to different semi private and private organizations, MQM’s workers and supporters participated in large numbers. They chanted slogans in favor of Mr. Hussain and MQM.
Mr. Hussain congratulated office bearers of MQM Labour Division, workers, supporters and labour leader on the occasion of 27th Convention of Labour Division.  
He also said, “For the past few years MQM’s workers, senior workers and elected representatives  are being killed after Juma Prayers. Terrorists kill them whenever MQM’s Labour Division tries to spread the message of movement to other parts of the country. In 1992 Ramazan, MQM’s Labour Divison In-charge Shehzad Mirza was killed when he was coming out of the mosque in Liaquatabad. He was devoted and honest worker. He was actively busy in spread the message of MQM. MQM’s Steel Mills Labour Divion in-charge was shot and wounded. His injuries disabled him for life. Another MQM Labour Division in-charge Anwar Aslam was injured in firing which has crippled him.  He is still working for the part with zeal. MQM’s enemies are still active. Today, they killed Hamid Khan and Muhammad Khalid when they were coming out of the mosques after offering their Jumma Prayers.”
Mr. Hussain paid great tributes to MQM’s workers who had lost their lives for struggle against injustices. He added that their sacrifices would not go in vain. 
“Sacrifices of martyrs will bring revolution in the country. It will end the rule of the dynastic rules of families  they grab powers in turns like musical chair game. It will the rule of their loot and plunder. Sacrifices of our martyrs will establish middle class democracy in the country, “ Mr. Hussain said.
Mr. Hussain said that Labour Division was formed to spread the message of MQM across the country like other departments of MQM. He said that it gave him great satisfaction the Labour Division was busy in spreading the message of MQM. He congratulated the Labour Division for their great efforts and work. 
“Difficult times comes in every movement’s life. MQM has attained this position after rendering great sacrifices. It is my resolve we will struggle for the security and prosperity of Pakistan and its people, “ Mr. Hussain said.
“Taliban is playing football with the heads of people after slaughtering them. They are desecrating corpses. They are blowing up mosques, imam barghs, shirnes and girls schools and common citizens. They are attacking our defense installations. They have challenged the writ of the state. More than 5000 security personnel and 60 thousands civilians have been killed by Taliban. I have said in an interview that if the present government failed to devise a clear policy to deal with the menace of terrorism then I would request the army to rid the country of Taliban which has grabbed a large area of Karachi. Will they beat the drum that save democracy and hand over weapons and defense installation to Taliban?, “ Mr. Hussain said.
“People will realize the gravity of the situation when they receive a headless body. If the government has devised a stragety to deal with the terrorists then it should eliminate the terrorists with the help of the army save Pakistan. If Pakistan disintegrates then we will not be able to establish a government and hold a tv program, “ Mr. Hussain warned.
“In the world democracy means government of the people for the people. Unfortunately, in Pakistan it means government of the feudal lords for feudal lords. These feudal lords have become champions of democracy. They do not follow democratic norms. They people mislead people using media and tv channels, “ Mr. Hussain said.

7/19/2024 12:35:51 AM