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It was just Altaf Hussain and MQM who had warned people of Pakistan of perils of Talibanization years ago – Altaf Hussain

It was just Altaf Hussain and MQM who had warned people of Pakistan of perils of Talibanization years ago – Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 1/23/2014

Taliban and other religious extremists want to impose their own brand of shariah in Pakistan on gunpoint

Taliban’s ideology is in total contrast to the holy Quran and the teachings of Islam

MQM leader Mr Altaf Hussain has said that Taliban want to impose their own brand of shariah in Pakistan on gunpoint and through coercion and terror. Taliban’s ideology is in total contrast to the holy Quran and the teachings of Islam as well as of the holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). Mr Altaf Hussain said this while talking to renowned Islamic scholar Molana Tanvir-ul-Haq Thanvi at MQM International Secretariat in London. Deputy Convenor of MQM Nadeem Nusrat, members of MQM Coordination Committee Mr Abdul Rashid Godil, Muhammad Anwar, Mustafa Azizabadi, Qasim Ali Raza, Incharge KKF Mr Ahmed Ali and members of International Secretariat were also present on the occasion.

“Raising voice of righteousness in an environment of terror is the biggest jihad and it is a positive omen to some religious scholars and political leaders supporting my concerns and apprehensions about Talibanization”, Mr Hussain further added.

“Islam is a religion of peace, but Taliban and certain religious extremists want to impose their own brand of shariah in Pakistan on gunpoint. To further their nefarious objectives, these elements have been blowing up places of worship for Muslims and non-Muslims, shrines of saints, girls’ schools, civil and military installations and public properties. Besides mercilessly killing civilians, these elements are also involved in slaughtering personnel of law enforcement agencies and unleashing reign of terror across the country” MQM leader further stated.

“It was only Altaf Hussain and MQM who raised alarm bells against Taliban terror tactics six or seven years ago. It was just Altaf Hussain and MQM who had warned people of Pakistan of perils of Talibanization six or seven years ago and appealed to them to stop the onslaught of Taliban or they would not only unleash a reign of terror in the whole country, but they would also put humanity to shame by imposing their own brand of shariah. My speeches and messages about Taliban terrorism and their despicable objectives are on record. MQM was the only political party in Pakistan that held a mammoth public rally against Taliban’s baton-wielding shariah, for which Taliban issued religious edicts against me and threatened to kill me” Mr. Altaf Hussain reminded the nation.

“Certain provincial ministers in Sindh as well as some political leaders made fun of my apprehensions about growing Talibanization. They negated my concerns and accused that I was trying to mislead and frighten masses. Today, however, everyone is admitting that I was right and it is great to see that even Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, besides some other political and religious leaders, is adding his voice to my calls. 

7/18/2024 10:12:03 PM