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They have conspired to divide Sindh by the passage of this black law. They are trying to drive wedge between the urban and rural Sindh. If they succeed in doing so, it would be difficult to bring the two segments of population together: Dr. Khalid Maqbool warned

They have conspired to divide Sindh by the passage of this black law. They are trying to drive wedge between the urban and rural Sindh. If they succeed in doing so, it would be difficult to bring the two segments of population together: Dr. Khalid Maqbool warned
 Posted on: 12/22/2013

Muttahida Qaumi Movement has staged a protest demonstration against the Sindh Local Government Act 2013. The demonstration was peaceful.

Thousands of elders, young, women, members of MQM Provincial and National Assembly and Rabita Committee attended the protest demonstration. Participants of the demonstration were full of enthusiasm and zeal.  They were carrying Pakistan and MQM’s flags and placards. They were carrying placards and banners condemning the Local Government Act 2013. Slogans were written on these placards in favor of MQM.

Participants of the protest demonstration raised the placards and banners in the air and raised slogans against the Sindh Local Government Act 2013. They broke into chants of ‘Not Acceptable’ and ‘we will not accept bullying’.

The population of Urban Sindh is 60% and rural Sindh is 40%. MQM will not accept the black law - Sindh Local Government Ordinance, “  MQM’s Rabita Committee Deputy Convener Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui said this while addressing the participants.

He said, “ Some people say that MQM should boycott the elections. We want to make it clear to them that we will take part in the elections. If we fail to do so then others won’t be able to participate in the elections too.”

“They have conspired to divide Sindh by the passage of this black law. They are trying to drive wedge between the urban and rural Sindh. If they succeed in doing so, it would be difficult to bring the two together, “ Mr. Khalid Maqbool warned.

“Karachi contributes 99% of Sindh’s budget. If we stop this then they will not have money for electricity for lights  in the Sindh Assembly, “ He warned the people who had passed this bill.

“Democracy is incomplete without the local government. The Article 140-A of the constitution says that the local government should have financial, political and administrative powers and autonomous.  We swear that we will continue the protests till power is devolved to the local government,” Mr. Khalid Maqbool said.

Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddqui said that they would continue their protests until this black law  was repealed.

He said that this city and its sons and daughters love Mr. Hussain. Repressive measures cannot separate Mr. Hussain from his followers and supporters.

“We had demanded operation against criminals. However, the operation is not conducted in the right spirit. If they compel us to come out on the streets, we would do so. This is the beginning not the end of the struggle. MQM’s workers and supporters love Pakistan are law abiding citizens. We have gathered here to put the black law into a coffin and people are ready to stage its funeral. People who have gathered here can march towards the Assembly Building, “  Dr. Khalid said.

Dr. Khalid Maqbool made it clear they did not want confrontation and clash. He added that we would fight on principle.

“MQM represents the Urban Sindh. It has the right to protect rights and interests of people who have given the party mandate. If we cannot achieve things inside the assemblies then we will come out on the roads, “ Dr. Khalid warned.

Addressing the participants of the protest demonstration, Haider Abbas Rizvi said, “ Today’s protest is against the Black Law by the people of Sindh and MQM. They want to impose a draconian system of oppression on us. Honorable and democracy loving people of Sindh will not accept this system and law.”

“Those who say that the law passed by the majority group in the assembly should be accepted. I would like to say here. There is no doubt that representatives of rural Sindh are in majority in the assembly. However, this cannot be  called a representation of the majority because they are not in majority according to census. Conduct a fair and honest census. The world will know who is in majority, “ Mr. Rizvi said.

“We are sons of Sindh too. If someone thinks that they can snatch Sindh from us. I would say he lives in a fool’s paradise. As a son of the Sindh, I demand equal rights and share in the resources on the basis of our population, “ Mr. Haider demanded.

MQM’s Rabitta Committee member Dr. Saghir said, “ A conspiracy has been hatched to snatch the mandate of Qaid-e-Tehreek Altaf Hussain. People of Sindh will foil the conspiracy of Sindh Government.PPP wants to fulfill its heinous plan by this black law. People of Sindh reject this black law.”

“Sindh Local Government Act 2013 is the usurpation of people’s rights. MQM talks about the political rights of a common man and we are proud to do that. We are protesting here because they have enacted a cruel law to take over the resources of the local governments, “ MQM ‘s parliamentary leader in the Sindh Assembly said.

He said, “Only Altaf Hussain and MQM stood against the local Government black law. We appreciate and praise who have supported us on this issue. We can local government elections under the constitution. The Sindh Government is violating the constitution by the enforcement of this black law.”

MQM’s Deputy Parliamentary Leader in Sindh Assembly said while addressing the participants of the protest demonstration that Sindh government wanted to usurp the rights of the by their majority.

“Sindh government wants to usurp the rights of the poor and the middle class people. They want to grab the resources of Sindh this way. All the opposition parties have challenged the black law in the Sindh High Court. We expect justice from the courts and we are confident that judiciary will repeal the black law, “ Mr. Khawaja Izhar-ul-Hasan said.

Pakistan Muslim League (N) leader Abdur Razak Raho addressed the gathering and we support MQM’s rally against the Sindh Local Government act.



7/18/2024 10:22:04 PM