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We only oppose the military interference in political and economical affairs. Altaf Hussain

We only oppose the military interference in political and economical affairs. Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 7/1/2024 1

We only oppose the military interference in political and economical affairs. Altaf Hussain

 Address on the 46th Foundation Day of APMSO under the auspices of UK MQM in London.


London: 1st July 2024
Founder and leader of MQM Mr Altaf Hussain has said that he does not want to see the end of the Pakistan army because every country needs an army. We only oppose the military for their involvement in the country's political, economical and administrative matters and I want to see the military to engaged in the country's defence only.

Mr Hussain expressed these views while addressing the APMSO's 46th Foundation Day under the auspices of UK chapter of MQM in London. Hundreds of people of different nationalities, including MQM office bearers and workers, participated in the meeting. Representatives of various political and social organizations also attended the gathering.

Mr Hussain said that it is very unfortunate that all those who sacrificed for Pakistan were named guilty, traitors and punishable. The Muslims of the subcontinent were used in the name of religion, and the Muslim and Hindu who had been living together for centuries, were divided among themselves in the name of religion. This is the reason why the people did not get freedom even after the creation of Pakistan and they are still slaves of British agents, generals, and feudal lords who have been ruling Pakistan for 76 years and protecting the interests of their British Masters.

He said that the people of Pakistan cannot get real freedom until they get freedom from the slavery of the corrupt army generals and feudal lords.

He said that he does not want the end of the army, but he recognises the importance of the army. I only want that the army should not interfere in country's civil affairs and politics and should stay within its constitutional ambit.

He told that he has also dug trenches in Sonmiani as a soldier of the Baloch Regiment during the 1971 war.

He said that the British agents in Pakistan divided the people of Pakistan into ethnic entities, those who migrated from East Punjab were resettled, but we were not recognized and accommodated in Sindh and we were forced to leave our language and become Sindhis.  We formed an organisation for the rights of Mohajirs. Then, in reaction, military and ISI first formed armed groups called Pakhtun Loya Jirga and then Punjabi Pakhtun Ittihad (PPI) against Mohajirs by giving them weapons to attack the Mohajirs settlements and create riots so that it can be propagated that MQM is against Punjabis and Pakhtuns.

Mr Hussain said his crime is that he raised his voice against the army's interference in politics, the same thing that Imran Khan and the whole of Pakistan is doing today. But Khan is adamant.

 He, while opposing the Operation Azm-e- Istehkam, said that the country will become more unstable with this operation.

 When Mr. Altaf Hussain arrived to attend the gathering, children and girls welcomed him by waving MQM’s flags in their hands outside the hall. Mr. Altaf Hussain loved the children. When Mr. Altaf Hussain entered the hall, the entire hall was buzzing with slogans and applause, the audience gave a warm welcome to their beloved leader and expressed their love and affection to him.

On this occasion, the popular organizational anthem of MQM was played the participants sang the anthem in the form of a course and supported the organizational anthem in the echo of slogans and applause. Mr. Altaf Hussain responded to the slogans of the participants by waving his hand. Later, Mr. Altaf Hussain addressed the participants of the gathering. After the address, the guests of the event met Mr. Altaf Hussain one by one.

The foundation day ceremony continued till late in the night. The proceedings of the gathering were broadcast live on Mr. Altaf Hussain's Facebook and YouTube channels “Revelations With Altaf Hussain.”

On this occasion, MQM's central social media wing issued hashtags #AltafHussainAddressToNation and #11JuneAltafKaJunoon for the social media.


10/22/2024 11:19:03 AM