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 Posted on: 6/26/2023
Just a day earlier on June 26, 2023, the Inter-Services Public Relations – or – I.S.P.R, Director General Maj. Gen. Ahmed Sharif held a press briefing bout with the country’s journos. I’ve been wondering how to extract the essence of that lengthy press briefing that carried warnings and bullies and so on. Having consumed every bit of my common sense and ability, I could hardly summarise that press briefing was meant to chalk out the coming actions with regard to “False Flag” May 9 events. The prime target are the civilians, political activists and their leaders who were on peaceful protest demonstration who were allegedly involved in arson at the Lahore Corps Commander residence which was later highlighted as “Jinnah House.”
The worst of all impressions manifested in that press briefing was that the men in military uniform are the best minds for everything for the country’s economy, stock exchanges, investments, agriculture, aviation, law and order, promulgation and implementation of any devised idea, media and politics, etc.
Their wisdom and technical know-how are superior and unquestionable. The learned journos who have spent their lives mean nothing and the country’s intelligentsia is mentally sick. Hah!
Let me ask you Mr Director General, whether are you more competent and the country’s learned journos and intelligentsia are the sick-minded creatures?
The exact essence of your speech at your press briefing was a sheer manifest of your “Royal Excellence” and the talent to apprehend everything was astounding while the audience that comprised the country’s highest intelligentsia was just poor and inferior with regard to their ability to reach, analyse and conclude things. You tried to give an impression, False Impression, that only the military commanders are the best, learned, faultless souls who have been born with the knowledge of the entire universe. My God!
Mr @OfficialDGISPR , you continued to pose yourself as the mentor of the journos fraternity and you took them as lame lamb. Your instructions to them were, “Dig out the facts and stop chasing the Fake News. The journalism should be done like this and that. Perhaps, according to a book on journalism by the I.S.P.R. Hah!
Mr Director General, you had while responding to a question, said that on May 9, the miscreants had vandalized and set ablaze the military installations and that the important centers of the military are very sacred.
I ask you to explain whether the houses of the civilian, their families especially the women don’t deserve the respect? Whether breaking into their houses and violating their privacy carries more sanctity than the walls made up of sheer concrete? Aren’t their honors sacred? It is highly deplorable, reprehensible, and arrestable act to violate the sanctity of a house of a civilian and disrespecting them within their premises.
Is there any office of authority concerned or court where the affected civilians file their appeal for justice against the tropers and plain clothed armed agents of the Inter-Services Intelligence – or – ISI for harassing them and their women? In which place or in which court should they appeal for action against the military officers and authorities who violated this sanctity?
Mr Director General, you had said that the elements responsible for the May 9 violence an arson, the leaders had been inciting the people against the army for a long time so they’re solely responsible. However, to a question, why those who were allegedly involved in the arson and violence and were all physically present at the crime scene as Military claimed, and were nabbed but released because they held dictated press conferences so they emerged as dry cleaned. Why? So, you had no answer to that one question and rather you evaded responding to that valuable question.
This is a very valid question that how the leaders of the @PTIofficial  who were nabbed on charges of violence and arson were taken a blue-eyed after they accepted to part ways with the PTI and its Chairman @ImranKhanPTI on military’s dictations and bullies? How were they acquitted of the allegations of May 9 arson and violence a why were they not tried in the military courts?
Mr @OfficialDGISPR , you are to explain whether the responsibility of protecting the important centers of the military, including the Lahore Corps Commander's House and other military centers and installations, is the responsibility of the civil administration or it is the prime duty of the military contingents that continue to hover around and are duly stationed at the taxpayer civilians’ expense?
Mr Director General, you had also stated that action was also taken against the senior military officials and military personnel who were found guilty of negligence and they have been sacked. In this, 15 military officers faced the music. One Lieut. Gen., 3 Maj. Gen. and 7 Brigadiers have been dismissed from their positions, so is the punishment of only their dismissal for negligence is enough?
Mr Director General, you are supposed to explain that what act of "negligence" was done by the top Military officers on the tragedy of May 9 or have they done anything to save the country from bloodshed?  Which of the two acts had they done? If the Military had shown "Great Wisdom" by saving the country from bloodshed, then how could it be called an act of “ negligence” ?
There could be just one act either of the negligence or Great Wisdom through which the country was protected from expected bloodshed. Both couldn’t be done simultaneously.  It seems that the investigation team itself was confused and gave conflicting notions on the same issue.  If those two contradictory decisions were correct, then you should hold another press briefing once again about the tragedy of May 9 and update the people with the correct information as who were those military officers who ignored the “Sanctity” of a house made up of concrete and the measures for avoiding the blood loss?
and also inform the people who were those military officers responsible for an act of negligence.
I conclude with an idea that in case the top brass is predominantly obsessed with the idea that they can serve the country alone and better than the civilians and that they are super human beings and have knowledge par excellence, they are master of all trades, they can pull the country out of crises which fact are because of your “All Types of Political, Economic, Social Engineering” then they must stop hiding behind the “Covert ” and “Overt” strategies to control the country’s institutions and usurping the resources of the country and should impose the “#Militarocracy” directly. Then, there would be no need for democracy and civilian supremacy.
June 27, 2023.

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7/17/2024 11:51:20 PM