Important and sticky questions of MQM leader Altaf Hussain to the judges of Supreme Court, High Courts and all District and Lower Courts
Believers of Almighty Allah, Moses, Jesus Christ, Baba Guru Nanak, should honestly reply my questions that I put to the judges of Lower, District, High Court and Supreme Court.
London: 4th May 2021
Founder and leader of the MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has put five important and sticky questions to the judges of the Supreme Court, High Courts and all Districts and Lower Courts about the judicial system of Pakistan. He has raised these questions in his Twitter account today through a poll.
Mr. Hussain said that Believers of Almighty Allah, Moses, Jesus Christ, Baba Guru Nanak, should honestly reply my questions that I put to the judges of Lower, District, High Court and Supreme Court.
(1) Have you accounted for the military generals who conspired against solidarity of Pakistan, imposed martial laws time and again and accumulated plenty of wealth through illicit means and corruption in past 74 years? And punished them if found guilty?
(2) Have you, the judges, punished even a single notorious murderer in past 74 years for extrajudicial killings by the army, Rangers, police and other LEAs across the country?
(3) Did you punish the military general or any officer responsible for the enforced disappearances of any citizen inspite of evidences?
(4) If the answer to all three of your questions is in the negative, are you abiding by the oath of office?
(5) In these circumstances, are the salaries, perks and privileges you enjoy stand to be Halal or Haram