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Every self-respectable person of Sindh wants independence from the slavery of Imperialism of Punjab.. Altaf Hussain

 Posted on: 2/18/2020

Every self-respectable person of Sindh wants independence from the slavery of Imperialism of Punjab.. Altaf Hussain
Sindhi and Urdu speaking people that they should unite for the freedom of Sindh..Dr Safdar Sirki
Joint address of MQM founder Altaf Hussain and President of Jeye Sindh Tehreek Dr Safdar Sirki

London 19th February 2020
MQM Founder and Leader Mr Altaf Hussain said that every self-respectable and brave person of Sindh wants independence from the slavery of Punjab Imperialism. Today, Sindh is the colony of Punjab. Punjab has occupied all the resources of Sindh. Now permanent residents of Sindh want liberation from this slavery and occupation. Now, the establishment must understand this and they must hand over Sindh to the Sindhis by eliminating the occupation, otherwise the day is coming very soon that we will give open ultimatum to the occupied forces and the people of Sindh would free their land from the occupants. He said this today, along with head of Jeye Sindh Tehreek Dr Safdar Sirki in his important and combined speech. At this moment Dr Safdar Sirki delivered a speech and said to Sindhi and Urdu speaking people that they should unite for the freedom of Sindh and start a combined struggle. Both the leaders expressed their good wishes for the unity, love and harmony among the permanent residents of Sindh
Paying tribute to Sain G M Syed the elderly leader and founder of Giye Sindh Tehreek, Mr Altaf Hussain said except Rehbar e Sindh (guardian of Sindh) Sain G M Syed, there is no other leader from the four provinces of the present Pakistan who supported the resolution in favor of Pakistan. Nobody can compete his sacrifices. He was a brave leader who stood by his ideology. For the sake of his ideology, he spent his entire life in captivity but didn’t hold back from his point of view.
Mr Hussain said that whenever, he talked for the unity and solidarity and understanding among the Mohajirs and Sindhis in Sindh, propaganda was launched against him so that his efforts could be sabotaged. When in the past, together with Sain G M Syed he tried for the Sindhi and Mohajir unity, that time propaganda was made against him that he is departing from Mohajir ideology. In 1997 he transformed Mohajir Quami Movement to Muttahida Quami Movement then propaganda was made that for speaking of all nationalities he has done a deal with the establishment.
Although, he did not merely spoke for this but also proved how close the Sindhi natives were to his heart by his making his Sindhi speaking brother, a member of the National Assembly from his home town Azizabad. He said that he had once again resumed his efforts of bringing together and uniting Urdu speaking and native Sindh speaking people together and when he talked to Sain Shafi Barfat about it, once again the propagandas were raised against him and people were misled with the allegation that he had left the word “Mohajir” out of his movement. He said that “Had I sacrificed my brother and nephew along with thousands of my workers so that I could just one day let my vision go waste?" He said that a lot of these chauvinist writers, anchor persons and columnists are questioning as to why Altaf Hussain is talking of Sindhi-Mohajir unity.
He further said that the areas comprised of Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, Pakhtunkhuwah, Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan was there before the establishment of Pakistan. When the new state of Pakistan came into being four provinces were made, all of these had their own languages.
 Our forefathers migrated from India, their mother tongue is Urdu. Few of the native sindhis called them refugees, although they were not refugees, they had abandoned the land of their forefathers and made the new province of Sindh their homeland yet they were called “Tilyir”, “makad”, “Matarwa” and other derogatory terms were used. Under these circumstances, concept developed in the Mohajirs for their separate identity, we spoke for our identity by forming an organization and started calling our people “Mohajir”(migrators) on the basis of the migration. He said that whatever names anyone might give us but no one can deny the fact that by this identity we are all Mohajirs but because we made Sindh our homeland, therefore by that attribute we are also Sindhis.  Mr. Altaf Hussain said that now the lives and deaths of Mohajir people is affiliated to the land of Sindh, we do not want to go anywhere from here, therefore Sindhis and Mohajirs will have to accept the reality that neither the sindhis can uproot Mohajir nor can the Mohajirs uproot sindhis, they are both a reality and one who thinks of abolishing the other person’s existence is wrong. By having those views we can only hurt each other but never abolish the existence of a nation. It is the demand of the time that we accept each other’s reality of existing in the same land and embraces each other, talk of love instead of hate, that we don’t fall prey to the tactics of people who spread hate and become united by ending all the hate. He said that even there is no problem of language, if the Sindhi brothers could learn English then why not Urdu? Likewise when the Mohajirs can learn English then why not Sindhi?
Mr. Altaf Hussain said that it was objected when some people talked about Mohajiristan or Mohajir Desh. To end those objections, he named it “Sindhu Maha Desh” by holding Sindhis and Mohajirs together. Name has no importance, any name can be given but first Sindh has to be freed from the insalivation of Punjab. Mr. Altaf Hussain said that now that the true sons of Sindh are uniting with us for freedom, the people of Sindh are being turned against them that they have sold Sindh by shaking hands with Altaf Hussain. He said that those true sons of Sindh who are working towards the unity of permanent residents of Sindh are great and I salute each and every one these true sons of Sindh to carry forward the vision of struggle of Sain G M Syed for freedom of Sindh. 

He said that the people of Sindh should not consider the leaders of People’s party as sincere to Sindh, they, in fact, are only the favorites of GHQ and Aabpara (ISI headquarter). He questioned the Sindhi people that People’s Party has been continuously brought to power since 1970 but what have they done for Sindh? What have they given the common poor people of Sindh? The people of Nodero, Rattodero, Larkana, Khairpur, Ghotki, Shikarpur, Dado and other areas of Interior Sindh are still deprived of concrete houses, education, jobs, roads, hospitals, water, sewerage system and basic facilities of life. These feudal Lords of People’s party came to power in the name of Sindh, but instead of improving the situation of the poor people of Sindh, they plundered Sindh, added to their wealth and for their own gains they made Sindh a colony of Punjab establishment. They divided the lands of Sindh among the armed forces and their agents. Today the entire Sindh has become a colony of Punjab. 

Mr. Altaf Hussain sent and open invitation to the people of Sindh and youngsters as well as students in particular to form groups and visit every field where oil, gas, coal and other mineral fields are being extracted in Sindh, and see by themselves whether these centers with resources of minerals are controlled by the people of Sindh or outsiders. Likewise the young people of Sindh should also observe whether these mineral resources are used in Sindh or they are taken out of Sindh. Likewise they should also observe that whether the army in all the army cants in Sindh belong to Sindh or are they from outside? He said that Sindh is called motherland but right now the motherland is enslaved at the hands of strangers. And those who stand by and watch the disgrace of motherland are committing act of shamelessness. The sons of Sindh have to relieve motherland of this disgrace by acting out of honor.  Mr. Altaf Hussain said that all the sons, daughters, mothers and sisters of Sindh should unite and relieve motherland of slavery and disgrace. If they become firm in their stance and start practical struggle with bravery, courage and absolute belief then the day is not far when we will ask those who colonized Sindh to leave in a matter of three days, politely. Otherwise we are the followers of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar and we will go to his monument and do dama dam mast qalandar and free the land of Sindh from its occupiers.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Safdar Sarki, the head of the Jeay Sindh Tehreek said that Sain Altaf Hussain Bhai has raised the call for the independence of Sindh and he is inviting the sons of Sindh. It is a invitation to join this movement to get love.  Greetings to Altaf Bhai on behalf of all G. M. Syed's lovers and acquaintances of the Sindh mother land.

He said that every lover of Sain G. M.  Syed knows that Sain Altaf speaks of the unity of Urdu and Sindhi.  The discrimination is the biggest obstacle in the path of Sindh's independence which Punjab has created. He said that Altaf spoke of unity among the permanent residents of Sindh and my love for him forced me to support Altaf Bhai. He said that no one could liberate Sindh alone, and we would have to come out of the small boxes for freedom.

Dr Sarki said that just as in the history of the Sindh Samat, Baloch, Syed and Rajput races, there are contradictions of the tribes of Zakaria, Sheikh, Memon, Uthravi, Sarki and different tribes, the same with the Mohajirs that they are a big nation where they have different communities.  Other nations joined in the great history of Sindh. Now, to create a modern nation, we have to have opened minded and broad thinking. He said that when the different nations living in the UK can learn English then we have to expand in terms of languages and be free from discrimination.

He said that as the people were divided on the basis of religion to create a colony of the subcontinent, likewise, the Punjabi establishment has divided the permanent residents of Sindh for their rule over Sindh by making the permanent residents to confront each other.He said even today some Sindhi speaking and Urdu speaking people who are on the payroll of the establishment are sowing the seed of hatred.

Dr Sarki said that Altaf Bhai made the move, but some Urdu speaking people who are the agents of  Establishment were calling him wrong today and instead of raising the voice against oppressive establishment, they are speaking against Altaf Bhai. Similarly those Sindhis who are on the payroll of the Establishment are not saying a word against the talkers of Free Karachi but they are criticising  Altaf Hussain who is talking about the rights and the freedom of the Sindh.

He said that Zardari's PPP is also speaking ISI's language against Sindh's real power and the real leader by scaring poor Sindhis from Mohajirs. He said that Pakistan People's Party has been in power for many years and has sold Sindh from Karachi to Nawabshah in the hands of Punjab and the army.  All the lands of Sindh have been giving to Baharia Town, Fazaia Housing Society and in the name of other societies. Sindh is being invaded by new colonies and buildings are being built and populated by people from outside. Will all the true people of Sindh continue to watch it quietly?
Dr Sarki said that Sindhis and Mohajirs are permanent residents, neither Mihajirs can eliminate Sindhi migrants, nor can Sindhis kill the Mohajirs. Bothe should understand that in the history of civil wars nothing is left other than the destruction and wastes of human lives.  Do not waste your time and should unite rather than talk about hate spreaders.

He said that we are peace loving people; no one is like Sain GM Syed, who was a great advocate for peace. Freedom is essential for lasting peace.  Struggle is essential for permanent peace for which struggle is unavoidable. Unity is a must for struggle and organized organization is essential for unity. He said that he would like to thank Altaf Bhai on behalf of all the true soldiers of Sindh and the true followers of Sain J. M. Syed who gave us great love.

Mr. Altaf Hussain fully agreed with the views of Dr Safdar Sarki and said that today the permanent residents of Sindh will move towards unity and we will be united for their independence and victory would be our destiny.


7/18/2024 2:17:21 AM