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 Posted on: 11/18/2019


Pak Army Generals are the patrons of smugglers of narcotics. They are billionaire from earnings from smuggling and sale of narcotics– MQM Founder Leader

“The entire network of armed and security forces of Pakistan including Military, Air Force, Navy, ISI and MI have been corrupted – MQM Founder Leader

Pakistani military establishment always posed India Occupied Kashmir as the jugular vein of Pakistan and kept onasserting that they would fight India till their last breath but in recent days, India revoked article 370 f Indian Constitution and removed Kashmir as aannexed territory and merged it in Union of India, Pakistani demonic military establishment just watched that move by India and only did a sheer lip service–MQM Founder Leader

LONDON. November 10, 2019: Muttahidda Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) founder leader Mr Altaf Hussain has said that Pakistan army is not an institution but a department working under the command of Minister for Defense and Prime Minister. Its expenses are borne by the taxpayers of the country.

Unfortunately, “The entire network of armed and security forces of Pakistan including Military, Air Force,Navy, ISI and MI have been corrupted.”

If there is any in Pakistan or anywhere in the world who considers my claim as sheer lip service and allegation, he is invited a for a debate and if he would be successful in proving his claims as wrong, then he would be ready to face the music at anyplace under the choice of his defeater.

He asked the military establishment of Pakistan to file s suit in the International Court of Justice if it also considers his claim as wrong for accusing the Sacred Cow of Pakistan of corruption.

He expressed these views while talking to workers of the MQM from Movement’s International Secretariat here in London.

Hussain reminded the workers of his visits to offices of the Movement during when he lived in Karachi as he used to regularly visit the Unit Offices, Sector Offices, checked the muster roll and if he would have found absentees in those muster rolls, he took it seriously and sought explanation from the office-bearers as why those workers were missing and why they were not attending the offices.

He said he sought such explanation to check whether the office-bearers were well-informed of workers conditions,situations and where abouts as it might be a fact that they would have been absence due to illness or some other seriousness.

He said that Karachi had a deep tranquil before 1992 and Mohajir families used to walk on streets; go to shopping and for dining free from fear but the tranquility had hurt the ghoulish military establishment. MQM had brought Mohajirs under one umbrella as joint family. Nobody could dare to hoot at them. There were dens of narcotics everywhere in Karachi but after he formed the APMSO, narcotics dens were eliminated from Karachi and that, too, was also bit knockout punch to the demonic military of Pakistan that patronises narcotics dealers and peddlers. MQM saved the youth from clutches of narcotics and promoted self-security culture in residential colonies and they were Mohajirs of their respective residential colonies who erected security sheds and shield but the demonic military on watching that such measures were equal to death warrant to narcotics dealers, launched a deadliest military crackdown on Mohajirs,uprooted security sheds and shields and thus re-opened avenues for the drug traffickers and peddlers. Subsequently, there are crimes and narcotics dens spread everywhere in Karachi and other cities. Military Generals, Rangers officers are receiving their share that also comes in billions.

He said that Pakistani military establishment always posed India Occupied Kashmir as the jugular vein of Pakistan and kept on asserting that they would fight India till their last breath but in recent days, India revoked article 370 of Indian Constitution and removed Kashmir as a annexed territory and merged it in Union of India,Pakistani demonic military establishment just watched that move by India and only did a sheer lip service. In fact, Punjabi military establishment is only brave and aggressive when it comes to Mohajirs and they feel no mercy while butchering them under their Mohajir genocide plan. Pakistani military establishment should either fight India or stop shedding crocodile tears on Kashmir and should stop fooling the people of Kashmir.

The tale of corruption of Pakistani military’s Generals and Rangers is very long but sadly, except him, no one in Pakistan dares to challenge this demonic army of Pakistan.

On the matter of Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s Azadi March, Hussain said that Pakistan People’s party and Pakistan Muslim League (N) have ditched Rehman while government has forwarded Chaudhry Shujat Hussain for engaging Rehman in dialogue and an end to Azadi March. PPP and PML-N are not ready to give sacrifices.

He said that only MQM and he had the courage to offer tremendous sacrifices and even his brother and nephew were brutally murdered, dissected into pieces by the military and ISI of Pakistan.His brother-in-law Aslam Abrahani was also arrested and subjected to vehement torture in ISI’s detention centre but they could not force him to accept what they wanted to dictate to him.

MQM founder leader Hussain said that he loves his workers like his own children and he believes in reality and truth and hence always speaks the truth

3/6/2025 7:25:59 PM