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Pakistan Military, Rangers, ISI assassinated Ali Raza Abidi: Altaf Hussain

Pakistan Military, Rangers, ISI assassinated Ali Raza Abidi: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 12/29/2018
Pakistan Military, Rangers, ISI assassinated Ali Raza Abidi: Altaf Hussain

The audio leak of slain Abidi is enough to prove that the ghoulish military, paramilitary Rangers, ISI assassinated him- MQM founder leader

The government and military, by Governor Rule, want to refresh the ongoing genocidal crackdown on MQM and Mohajirs. They want to sack the ruling provincial government, make Pakistan One Unit instead of federation of Pakistan – MQM founder leader

MQM founder leader Mr. Altaf Hussain said that the new audio leak of slain Syed Ali Raza Abidi has expose the military of Pakistan, paramilitary Rangers and ISI for life threats and hence is has been proved that Pakistan’s military, its paramilitary Rangers and demonic ISI has assassinated him. The audio leak of the slain Abidi is enough on exposing these cunning, demonic and ghoulish military, paramilitary and intelligence consortium.
The military and its peripheral units wanted to accomplish certain vested aims and the cold blooded murder of Abidi was part of that series of vested gains under which the military wanted to imposed Governor Rule in Sindh province and to make Pakistan one unit by ending four provinces and other states of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, he claimed.
He said this in his marathon audio address through social media as Pakistan’s military establishment has imposed restrictions on his media connectivity in Pakistan. He presented the leak audio and many other documentary evidences that showed Abidi was threatened by the military of Pakistan and that Abidi was playing a very active role in support of MQM and its founder leader Mr. Hussain. The military, paramilitary Rangers and ISI had summoned him frequently and left hi with serious warnings of dire consequences in case he would not stop supporting the MQM and its founder leader Mr. Hussain. Abidi did not stop and was finally executed by the consortium of Pakistani military, paramilitary Rangers and the ISI at his own doorstep on the eve of December 26.
As mother and son of slain Abidi had at Karachi Press Club vowed they would keep his mission alive, Mr. Hussain said their commitment was the beacon of hope for the mothers and people with regard to their resolve for the freedom of speech.
The forces of tyranny would how long continue to hunt the innocent people in order to achieve their vicious agenda? Today, a whole new blood has emerged after cold blooded assassination of Abidi so how the forces of tyranny could face them or will they also execute them? Asked Mr. Hussain.
He assured Abidi’s mother and family that he would not let the sacrifice of Abidi go in vain and that his sacrifice would help materialise the dream of freedom of speech come true. He had stated his will in which he had requested him (MQM founder leader Mr. Altaf Hussain) to forgive him. He had been very active in his support to MQM and Altaf Hussain and had fearlessly expressed his sentiments through his Tweets, which are enough proof with which his assassination could easily be challenged in the International Court of Law against his killers the Pakistani ghoulish military, paramilitary Rangers and the ISI.
Abidi had criticised the ISPR DG Asif Ghafoor in his tweet on playing cricket on a street in Karachi and had said he should also come to Jinnah Ground in Azizabad for the cricket match. The traitors of PSP, Bahadurabad and PIB gangs used to record his tweets and present them to the ISI, paramilitary Rangers and military of Pakistan as proof of his opposition and demanded he should be controlled. Finally these demonic institutions did what the traitors wanted them to do.
He claimed that, “The audio leak of slain Abidi is enough to prove that the ghoulish military, paramilitary Rangers, ISI assassinated him.” The traitors of PSP, Bahadurabad and PIB gangs assisted military, Rangers and ISI in full terms.
He said that, conversely, the senescent slain designee of the Movement Prof. Dr. Hassan Zafar Arif was also witch-hunted by the draconian and ghoulish military, paramilitary Rangers and the ISI and was kidnapped and killed in custody because he had also refused to keep quiet and refused to stop supporting him. The ISI had kidnapped him on Dec 8, 2017 and tortured him for two days and finally they silenced him for good on January 13, 2018.
He urged upon the government of Pakistan to waste no time and approach the British authorities on assassination charges of Abidi because thus they would stand exposed with proofs that Abidi had left behind in form of Tweets and audio leak.
The ghoulish military of Pakistan is famous for such demonic acts and whenever they wanted to bring forward their new scheme, they normally target a VIP of the city as they had done in past in 1998 when they wanted to impose Governor rule in Sindh and hence they assassinated Hakeem Muhammad Saeed and accused the MQM of his assassination which tome proved wrong. The workers of the MQM were acquitted from High Court with respect.
One of Pakistan’s eminent journalists has also claimed in his private TV through social media that Abidi’s assassination is meant for paving ways forward for the imposition of Governor Rule in Sindh. A day earlier, the Parliamentarians belonging to ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e Insaf had also expressed their deep inner wish for the Governor Rule and thus the vicious agenda of the military, ISI and the government has been fully exposed.
The Movement’s founder leader Mr. Hussain said that, “The government and military, by Governor Rule, want to refresh the ongoing genocidal crackdown on MQM and Mohajirs.” “They want to sack the ruling provincial government, make Pakistan One Unit instead of federation of Pakistan.”
He said that the military wants to impose one political party, the Tehreek-e Insaf, as sole ruling party for years to come and establish an undeclared writ of the military establishment over Pakistan. Sadly, the Supreme Court of Pakistan is assisting the ghoulish military of Pakistan in its efforts for imposing the wicked and vicious agenda, which would never be successful.

3/28/2025 10:21:18 AM