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After the creation of Pakistan a group of political conspirators has driven a wedge between the patriotic people and authoritative secret agencies: Altaf Husain

After the creation of Pakistan a group of political conspirators has driven a wedge between the patriotic people and authoritative secret agencies: Altaf Husain
 Posted on: 10/14/2013

London: 13 October, 2013
A group of students from different parts of London and London suburbs visited MQM146s International Secretariat Sunday evening and had long meeting with the founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain. During the meeting Mr. Hussain gave a lecture to students on various philosophical, ideological and intellectual topics. On this occasion students put questions to Mr. Hussain on different topics. He answered their questions in detail. 
Mr. Hussain elucidated how and why Pakistan was created. He told the students that we got Pakistan after long struggle and supreme sacrifices. He said more than 20 lakh people died in the struggle for Pakistan. Women146s were raped and properties were destroyed because of deadly riots during partition. These sacrifices were made for a democratic, peaceful and prosperous Pakistan. Unfortunately, a powerful cable captured power after independence. They eliminated all honest, brave and upright founders one by one. 
He said that the group which captured power after independence put hurdles in the process of nation building and did not allow democracy to flourish in the country. They promoted linguistic and regional bigotry. They have succeeded in creating sectarian divide. Sectarian strife has reached at such a level that Pakistanis have started labeling one another Kafir.
These political conspirators have driven a wedge between the patriotic people and authoritative secret agencies. He said that Pakistanis would have to give up their difference in order fight the challenges and crisis faced by the country. He deplored that we were still fighting among themselves and unable to reach consensus on national issues. For example, we are unable to decide what course of action should be taken to deal with Taliban. Should we negotiate with them or start a fight against them?
Mr. Hussain urged the students to write letters to Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef and give him suggestions for dealing with the grave situation in Pakistan. He also urged the students to contribute their efforts for dealing with the challenges faced by Pakistan and try to improve Pakistan146s battered image in the world. He advised them to practice what they preach and set good precedent for others.

7/18/2024 2:30:19 PM