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Entire Pakistan endorsing his views on notorious plans, involvement of ISI in country’s politics, judiciary: Altaf Hussain

Entire Pakistan endorsing his views on notorious plans, involvement of ISI in country’s politics, judiciary: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 7/23/2018

Entire Pakistan endorsing his views on notorious plans, involvement of ISI in country’s politics, judiciary: Altaf Hussain


Now Punjabis are also slamming the ISI and the military establishment. The ISI is dictating the judiciary. The civil servants are also forced to take dictation from the Isi and work accordingly – MQM founder, leader

Military establishment, ISI is manipulating politics of the country, paving ways for the blue-eyed. Even the judiciary is under the control of the military establishment and the ISI. These are directly involved in political engineering – MQM founder, leader

I had fought a long battle for the residents of the Martin Quarters and other zones for their permanent residence rights and that he has obtained for them but today the Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saquib Nisar has ordered them to evacuate their residential units they are living in for over past five decades – MQM founder, leader

Mohajirs have been fully expelled from the civil service and recently their population has been reduced more than the half through a fully flawed census held recently under the supervision of the military establishment. Traitors like Kamaloo and Sattar disappeared on that open injustice of reducing the population of the Mohajirs more than the half – MQM founder, leader

Mohajirs should boycott the elections in Pakistan and should stay at homes. In case, the military establishment, ISI and the paramilitary Rangers force them to come out of their homes for casting their votes, then they should destroy their vote to fail the traitors and their master in ISI and other armed forces – MQM founder, leader

LONDON. Jul 23, 2018: Muttahidda Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) founder and leader Mr. Altaf Hussain has said that what he has been pointing out since past 40 years about the wrong policies of the military establishment and the ISI has now become “talk of the town” as everyone is now taking about their notorious schemes and involvement in private public, judicial and political matters.

This he said while talking to an event of MQM Frankfurt, Germany, which was largely attended by the party affiliates and supporters.

He said that he has been informing the people of Pakistan that the military establishment and its intelligence agencies are directly manipulating the politics of the country and are paving ways for the blue-eyed. Even the judiciary is under the control of the military establishment and the ISI. These are directly involved in political engineering.

He said whenever he talked about the notorious role of the ISI and the military establishment, these two declared him as traitor and placed embargo on him under which he was forced to face a media blackout in Pakistan. However, a day earlier, Islamabad High Court Judge, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui had during his adder to the Rawalpindi Bar Association expose the ISI and said that the ISI has been pressurized the judiciary. The ISI is solely responsible for the entire situation. The ISI is dictating the judiciary. The civil servants are also forced to take dictation from the Isi and work accordingly.

He said that Punjabis always contradicted him and criticised him for his criticism on ISI and military establishment for their control over all institutions in Pakistan including the Judiciary. They have even named him as Indian agent. On the day when a court awarded life imprisonment to PML-N leader Hanif Abbasi, the people chanted anti-ISI slogans openly. Interestingly, those who chanted anti-ISI slogans were neither Mohajirs nor Balouchs were only Punjabis. The time has endorsed him.

He said that he has always informed the people of Pakistan that the ISI and other intelligence services in Pakistan are kidnapping Mohajirs and enforcing them to disappear and today, the entire country and the people from every nook and cranny are slamming the military establishment and the ISI. These military intelligence services had in past executed Farooq Patni extrajudicially and in recent days they had extrajudicially executed a 70-year old Mohajir academician, a thinker and a famed teacher Pro. Dr Hassan Zafar Arif.

He said that the justice has always been denied in Pakistan especially those who are weak. The judiciary has on dictation of the ISI bailed out a notorious killer in Police uniform, SSP Rao Anwar, who is guilty of executing more than 450 Mohajirs, a Pashtoon young man Naqeebullah Mehsood, extrajudicially.

Slain Benazir Bhutto had offered hefty money to Rao Anwar for extrajudicially executing MQM activist Farooq Patni and wit that money he had bought a luxury bungalow for him. There are hundreds of innocent Mohajirs who are lingering in jails without lawful charges but the courts in Pakistan on orders of the ISI are not hearing their cases and are denying dispensing justice to them and their families.

Mr. Hussain said that Mohajirs are facing worst of all atrocities and the MQM is struggling for their rights. This is not an easy task to get the rights. Mohajirs want equal rights and opportunities on merit and they equally have a legitimate demand for a separate Mohajir Province and in case the establishment and the state of Pakistan would not listen to their just demand then the Mohajirs would be free for a new movement for a separate state of Mohajirs.

He said the ancestors of the Mohajirs were the creator of Pakistan but in Pakistan, they have been crushed and deprived of jobs, rights, right to live and right of education. Their land shave been encroached and illegally occupied. The Mohajirs have been fully expelled from the civil service and recently their population has been reduced more than the half through a fully flawed census held recently under the supervision of the military establishment. The nefarious quota system is still being used as a too tool to deprive Mohajirs form entering colleges and universities for education.

He asked where the Kamaloo and Sattar have disappeared on that open injustice of reducing the population of the Mohajirs more than the half.

He said that he had fought a long battle for the residents of the Martin Quarters and other zones for their permanent residence rights and that he has obtained for them but today the Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saquib Nisar has ordered them to evacuate their residential units they are living in for over past five decades. Still, the traitors, Kamaloo and Dr Farooq Sattar are silent over this open injustice.

He said that the people of Karachi starving of water but the cantonment boards are sucking every single drop of water from civilians’ share. The traitors, Sattar and Kamaloo are using bottled water being provided to them by the military establishment because they have become touts of the ISI and hence they are getting their reward. These traitors have destroyed the collective interest of the Mohajir Nation and are enjoying perks and benefits from the ISI. They were born in congested one room houses but today the ISI has provided them with luxuries. The Mohajir Nation has to reject these traitors and boycott the elections to be held on July 25th.

He said that he knows that the enemies would find an opportunity to win the elections but it would be far better and sanely decision to let them win over the traitors.

He said that the military establishment has locked down his home, party offices have been demolished and party headquarter, Nine Zero has been shut and held under siege of the paramilitary Rangers so it was not possible for the party to fight the general elections because the party has been restricted to enter the electioneering and the military establishment has on gun point forced the Mohajirs not to take his name. Taking his name in Pakistan has been made a crime. MQM had fought many elections in past but these could not prove effective for the party and the Mohajir Nation to get their problems resolved but instead the problems grew worse.

He said that it is the need of the hour that we as Mohajir Nation should prefer the collective interest of the Mohajir Nation on our personal interest and should accelerate the struggle for the rights. Every Mohajir should at his capacity approach the UN; international organisations for human rights and inform them of their miseries and tyranny of the military establishment and the ISI. They should stage protests at the offices of UN, international organisations in support of their demands and against the injustices.

Mr. Hussain asked the audience to approach their families and relatives in Pakistan that they should boycott the elections in Pakistan and should stay at homes. In case, the military establishment, ISI and the paramilitary Rangers force them to come out of their homes for casting their votes, then they should visit the polling station but should destroy their vote to fail the traitors and their master in ISI and other armed forces.

In the end, MQM Germany Organiser Afzal Hussain also addressed.

3/6/2025 7:21:00 PM