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 Posted on: 7/17/2018


Suicide attacks on political leaders in Mastung, Bannu and Tala Gang are parts of planned schemes of military intelligence services because the military establishment wants to ensure that their blue-eyed Imran Niazi finds unchallenged environment

With the start of struggle for the rights of the Mohajirs, the military establishment started crackdowns against the Mohajirs.

Atrocities and injustices against the Mohajirs had immediately started after the inception of Pakistan in 1947 ignoring the fact that they were the Mohajirs who fought a long battle of Pakistan and after Pakistan was created, they had established the basic structure of Pakistan.

Mohajir youth to come forward and start the struggle for the rights of the Mohajir Nation failing which the Mohajir Nation won146t forgive them because their failure to come for their support would result in success of the tyranny forces that are dreaming of making the Mohajir Nation their slave

MQM has on concrete grounds boycotted the General Elections falling on July 25 this current month so the Mohair Nation should also completely boycott the General Elections of 2018

LONDON. Jul 17, 2018
Muttahidda Qaumi Movement146s (MQM) founder and leader and father of the Mohajir Nation Mr. Altaf Hussain while deploring the attitude of national media of Pakistan said that more than 170 citizens of all age groups were martyred in a suicide attack in Mastung in Balouchistan but the national media continued to play music and dance concerts. Not only on that day but a day earlier, too, the terrorists had attacked the convoy of elections candidate Mr. Akram Khan Durrani in Bannu in Khyber Pakhtoonkhawa in which many precious lives were claimed but the attitude of the national media of Pakistan remained unchanged and did not show any condolence and solidarity with the bereaved families and affected political parties.

He categorically asserted that the suicide attacks were part of planned scheme so as to create an environment for the Blue-eyed Imran Niazi to win the elections.

He asked the Mohajir youth to step forward for the sake of survival of the Mohajir Nation and help their brothers and their families in dilapidated conditions due to state atrocities and genocidal military crackdown. In case, the Mohajir youth won146t take this responsibility then the forces of tyranny that are bent upon making the Mohajirs their slaves would succeed in their nefarious plans and the coming Mohajir race won146t forgive them.

He expressed these vies while addressing live from London at flooded MQM U. S. A. event at Washington DC.

He said that people are recognised by their peculiar identity that sometimes is based on ethnicity, culture, civilisation and particular land on earth.

Conversely, Mohajirs are a separate and peculiar Nation with their vast ancient civilisation and Urdu Language. The approximate population of the Mohajirs in Pakistan is 70 million, who migrated from India at the time of inception of Pakistan. However, the people of Pakistan, the establishment and others never accepted them as sons of the soil but continued to name them as foreigners or aliens. The Mohajirs had left everything behind, their property, homes, and graves of their ancestors for Pakistan but after the passage of 70 years, they are yet called as aliens, said Hussain.

He said that the atrocities and injustices against the Mohajirs had immediately started after the inception of Pakistan in 1947 ignoring the fact that they were the Mohajirs who fought a long battle of Pakistan and after Pakistan was created, they had established the basic structure of Pakistan.

With the start of discriminatory policies and injustices, the Mohajirs were expelled from the public service and all the civil and military governments in Pakistan continued to exploit them and usurp their rights, he added.

During Bhutto146s government, a notorious Quota System was imposed so as to keep the Mohajirs deprived of their right of education, civil services and public service. In Bhutto146s tenure, the population of the Mohajirs was artificially reduced through a fully flawed and fully engineered census in 1972 and thus the Mohajirs were treated as third degree citizens of Pakistan. No political or religious party in Pakistan ever raised a voice of concern or support for the Mohajirs against the injustice and atrocities, deplored Mr. Hussain.

While sharing the he shared the background of his struggle for the rights of the Mohajir Nations, Mr. Hussain said that these were the conditions under which he had at the age of 24 erected a student organisation he named as APMSO on Jun 11, 1978. With the start of struggle for the rights of the Mohajirs, the military establishment started crackdowns against the Mohajirs. The Mohajirs were expelled from the University of Karachi first and then he founded Mohajir Qaumi Movement on Mar 18, 1984. Later, the Mohajir Qaumi Movement was changed into the Muttahidda Qaumi Movement on Jul 26, 1997. The MQM had for the first time participated in elections for the local body in 1987 and then participated in General Elections in 1988 until 2013. During those times, the MQM entered different coalitions with different governments and made agreements with them but none of them ever respected those agreements.

On Jun 19, 1992, the military establishment launched a deadliest crackdown against the Mohajirs, which was spread over durations of multiple governments that came after another. Again in 2013, the military establishment renewed the deadliest military crackdown against the Mohajirs and used its paramilitary Rangers, which extrajudicially executed hundreds of Mohajirs, detained hundreds of Mohajirs without any lawful charge and kidnapped as many who have been enforce to disappear till date, he shared further.

He categorically asserted that, 147Suicide attacks on political leaders in Mastung, Bannu and Tala Gang are parts of planned schemes of military intelligence services because the military establishment wants to ensure that their blue-eyed Imran Niazi finds unchallenged environment148. The military establishment wants to see Imran Niazi as victorious in the General Elections and that he could become Pakistan146s next PM as puppet of the military establishment, he claimed.

He said that the military operations in Pakistan146s tribal zones are also fraud and are solely meant to suppress the voices of tribal people against state and military146s oppressions and atrocities. The military establishment is rendering the people of tribal zones homeless and is occupying their lands. MQM is the only voice against injustices and state oppressions against the Mohajirs, Balouchs, Pashtoons and others. The military, its paramilitary forces and intelligence services are kidnaping the citizens of Pakistan and enforcing them to disappear.

Mr. Hussain urged upon the Mohajir youth to come forward and start the struggle for the rights of the Mohajir Nation failing which the Mohajir Nation won146t forgive them because their failure to come for their support would result in success of the tyranny forces that are dreaming of making the Mohajir Nation their slave.

He also said that the MQM has on concrete grounds boycotted the General Elections falling on July 25 this current month so the Mohair Nation should also completely boycott the General Elections of 2018.

He appreciated the organisers of Mohajir Conference at the Capitol Hill in Washington DC and thanked the participants.

MQM Coordination Committee Convener Dr Nadeem Ehsan, Deputy Convener Mr. Qasim Ali Raza, MQM CEC member Shahid Mustafa, Adnan Naqvi and MQM U. S. A. Organiser Rehan Ebadat also addressed.

3/6/2025 6:43:24 PM