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 Posted on: 6/1/2018 1


“State-sponsored injustices, atrocities, arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings of Mohajirs and MQM workers and embargo on him, closure of his party headquarters Nine Zero in Azizabad in Karachi, destruction of his party office at the hands of military establishment, embargo on him to reach his Nation through media, etc., are key factors that constitute a valid stance on boycott of General Elections – 2018 in Pakistan” – Altaf Hussain

 “Mohajirs whose votes have been registered with the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) should destroy the ballot papers inside the polling booth in case they are driven to polling stations on gun point” – Altaf Hussain

 “The real traitors in Pakistan are those in powers, who have occupied the country and held it as hostage under guns and artillery,” – Altaf Hussain

 “The military of Pakistan has occupied the country and its policies and injustices to the people of Bangladesh became the basis of the creation of Bangladesh.” – Altaf Hussain

 “Pakistanis (Mohajirs) who fought shoulder to shoulder with military of Pakistan in Bangladesh have been left on mercy of Red Cross.” “Those 90, 000 Pakistani troopers who surrendered to India army were brought back.” – Altaf Hussain

 “Benazir was murdered in Rawalpindi but PPP’s terrorists inflected colossal loss to property of Mohajirs.” “More than 250 Mohajir lady factory workers returning to home were kidnapped who have not yet been back to their homes and the Police, governments, Pakistani media and military and ISI are silent.” – Altaf Hussain

  LONDON. Jun 1, 2018: MQM founder leader and Father of the Mohajir Nation Mr. Altaf Hussain while strongly considering the views, recommendations and suggestions of the Mhajir Nation, MQM workers and sympathisers and above all strong recommendations of the Coordination Committee of the Movement announced a boycott of the General Elections – 2018 in Pakistan already scheduled to be held on July 25th. With the announcement of boycott, he also appealed to the Mohajirs and MQM workers to stay at home on that day of polling and don’t participate in the electioneering process.

He made this stirring announcement in is address which was live telecast from London and not only the entire Mohajir Nation remained tuned to his address through different social media channels but the country’s policy makers, rival party leaders and political workers across Pakistan and in different countries also remained tuned in.

Defending his decision of boycotting the General Elections – 2018 in Pakistan, he constituted the state-sponsored injustices, atrocities, arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings of Mohajirs and MQM workers and embargo on him, closure of his party headquarters Nine Zero in Azizabad in Karachi, destruction of his party office at the hands of military establishment, embargo on him to reach his Nation through media, etc., as key factor.

He also said that his party offices that were not destroyed were handed to traitors and the military establishment while expediting to eliminate the Movement arrested thousands of MQM workers and forced them to shift to factions under military-created factions for life. He said that even the senescent Mohajir men and women have been barred to visit the graves of their dead and martyrs.

The embargo on Mohajirs and their sole political Movement, MQM on participating in the country’s politics also accounts for the boycott as when the Movement is not allowed to do politics in Pakistan then how it would be possible for the Movement to erect candidates and carry the electioneering process. This verily provides strong basis for the boycott, he argued.

Henceforth, the overall situation that has placed the entire Mohajir Nation into a cage of embargo, restriction, injustice, crippling and genocide calls for complete boycott of the General Elections -2018.

Knowing the tactic of the military establishment and its side forces, Mr. Hussain advised the members of entire Mohajir Nation whose votes have been registered with the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to destroy the ballot papers inside the polling booth in case they are driven to polling stations on gun point.

“The real traitors in Pakistan are those in powers, who have occupied the country and held it as hostage under guns and artillery,” said Mr. Hussain. This pack of traitors has smashed the face of country’s real history. They had served their English masters against which they received key to country’s resources. These packs of traitors had assassinated the founder of Pakistan Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who was also from Mohajir Nation. A die-hard member of this traitor pack, the then military chief and dictator Ayub Khan had declared Mr. Jinnah’s sister Ms. Fatimah Jinnah as Indian agent and put an embargo on her Radio speeches and TV had not then appeared in country. Later, he ordered his assassination. Dictator Ayub had sent armed groups to Karachi to kill Mohajirs for supporting Ms. Jinnah, who had dared to fight Presidential Elections against Dictator Ayub. Gohar Ayub son of Dictator Ayub had led the armed groups and he killed hundreds of unarmed and innocent Mohajirs in Karachi, kidnapped and raped dozens of Mohajir women and set their homes ablaze. Dictator Ayub had threatened Mohajirs to be thrown into the Sea if they would not support him for the position of country’s President. However, Mohajirs refused though they faced a massacre.

Mr. Hussain claimed that, “The military of Pakistan has occupied the country and its policies and injustices to the people of Bangladesh became the basis of the creation of Bangladesh.” Bangladesh was once Eastern part of united Pakistan. Bengalis were 56% of total population of undivided Pakistan, which was created under the Two-Nation Theory, The Hindu and the Muslim and the creation of Bangladesh had buried that theory in to the Indian Ocean.

Mr. Hussain asked Pakistan’s intellect, writers, thinkers and all others to come for a debate with him on that Two Nation Theory and he would quit politics on having been convinced of the workability and reality of that baseless theory. If Pakistan was created in the name of Islam, then why Bengali Muslims parted ways and created their own and separate sovereign state away from the fangs of Pakistan’s military junta’s fangs?

He said that, “Pakistanis (Mohajirs) who fought shoulder to shoulder with military of Pakistan in Bangladesh have been left on mercy of Red Cross.” “Those 90, 000 Pakistani troopers who surrendered to India army were brought back.” Those Mohajirs are still living in Red Cross’s Camps in Bangladesh.

Mr. Hussain said that the government of Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto had in 1972 presented an ethnic language bill to declare Sindhi dialect an official language of Sindh province and when Mohajirs whose mother tongue is Urdu which is also Pakistan’s official language took to street, Bhutto’s government reacted brutally, massacred Mohajirs on streets and then that very biased Bhutto imposed the demonic Quota System to deprive Mohajirs of their rights for education, jobs in government. The other side of the fact is that Pakistan’s military junta had fully backed him on the imposition of the Quota System, which is still imposed.

The Father of Mohajir Nation said that the jaundiced-eye scholars, media persons, bureaucracy, killer military, draconian leaders deliberately defame Mohajirs as terrorists, killers, extortionists but since the media is Punjab dominated under the aegis of the military junta and the ISI, they can’t speak the truth and they can’t tell the people what was correct. The May 12 mayhem was also a conspiracy of the ISI in which 14 MQM workers were martyred but under a scheme of the ISI, the media alleged MQM of that carnage.

On the day of assassination of Benazir Bhutto on Dec 27, 2007, the terrorists and criminals from PPP ranks and files wreaked havoc on Karachi.

“Benazir was murdered in Rawalpindi but PPP’s terrorists inflected colossal loss to property of Mohajirs.” “More than 250 Mohajir lady factory workers returning to home were kidnapped who have not yet been back to their homes and the Police, governments, Pakistani media and military and ISI are silent.”

Hundreds of their personal cars parked at their doors were set ablaze, banks were robbed, currency was plundered from ATMs, factories were robbed and set ablaze

He said that Mohajirs have their separate identity, culture, traditions, language and civilization. The language and civilization they had in India prior to the division of the subcontinent is same her in Pakistan and would always be the same. In case, the military junta would still refuse to recognize the separate identity of Mohajirs and conspiracies would not end against Mohajirs then everything would get erased. MQM would no longer bear the double standard in Pakistan, one for Non-Mohajirs and the other for Mohajirs. Mohajirs won’t sit calm and idle until and unless they attain full rights in Pakistan.

He said that the military establishment has suppressed all rights and freedom movements in Pakistan such as Balouch movements, Pakhtoon movement and now is after suppressing Mohajir Movement but they have seen in past 70 years that they could not buy or eliminate Mohajirs through massacre, Quota System, arbitrary arrest and extrajudicial killings. Even a senescent MQM leader and Pakistan’s top scholar, a thinker and an academician Prof. Dr Hassan Zafar Arif was brutally assassinated in ISI’s custody only to press MQM to quit the Movement for Mohajirs but they failed.

3/29/2025 3:32:00 PM