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MQM and Altaf Hussain two sides of a coin: Deputy Convener Qasim Raza

MQM and Altaf Hussain two sides of a coin: Deputy Convener Qasim Raza
 Posted on: 2/15/2018

MQM and Altaf Hussain two sides of a coin: Deputy Convener Qasim Raza


“Mohajirs can never accept anyone as substitute of Mr. Hussain and they have already manifested the firm resolve time and again.” “Love of Mr., Hussain can’t be eliminated with freakish plots.”

 LONDON. February 15, 2018: MQM’s Coordination Committee Deputy Convener Mr. Qasim Ali Raza said that MQM and its founder and leader Mr. Altaf Hussain are two profiles of same coin and the Mohajirs of urban Sindh are firmly united under his dynamic patronage. All conspiracies in past and today have failed to isolate him and keep him away from Mohajirs.

In his statement he said that MQM is not an ordinary Movement but an ideological one, which hallmark lies in its discipline and unity and all nefarious schemes for crushing it always caused it to gain more strength, discipline and unity with dedication to the Movement, led by Mr. Hussain.

He said that the Movement has only flourished and advanced because of the blood of the martyrs and the imprisoned inmates, who have been suffering for the cause of the movement. The Movement also is being strengthened by those affiliates, who have been enforced to disappear.

Those who are bent upon crushing the Movement should keep in mind that their plans would fall head down and the Movement would cover more space with more strength and dedication. The Movement is intact as ever under the dynamic aegis of Mr. Hussain, the founder leader of it. “Mohajirs can never accept anyone as substitute of Mr. Hussain and they have already manifested the firm resolve time and again.” “Love of Mr., Hussain can’t be eliminated with freakish plots.”

The Deputy Convener urged upon the affiliates that they should never enter the despondence and should keep playing their unprecedented role in the promotion of message of the founder and leader Mr. Hussain and rest assured that they would be victorious soon and the enemies would embrace a shameful defeat.

3/6/2025 7:03:22 PM