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 Posted on: 12/26/2017

“Arranging a meeting of Jahadev with his spouse and mother on humanitarian grounds was a laudable act.” “Families of missing Mohajir and Balouch are refused of the very same act of kindness and even their whereabouts are also not shared with them.”

Muttahidda Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) founder and leader Mr. Altaf Hussain while addressing Chief of Pakistan’s military General Qamar Jawaid Bajwah assured that MQM is not anti-Pakistan but anti-decayed feudal system and is of the view that Pakistan is a country of 220 million people, not just a handful of the feudal elites. It is good to learn that a meeting of Indian spy agent Kalbhoshan Jahadev was arranged with his spouse and mother but General Bajwah should also play his role for meeting of the missing Mohajirs and Balouchs and persons from FATA and other areas of the country with their families and stop atrocities on people from smaller provinces, stop calling people and their leaders as traitors and ensure they also get access to justice.

He said this in his pre-recorded audio message to General Bajwah.

In the meantime, he felicitated Christians in Pakistan and across the world on the occasion of Christmas. He also felicitated Pakistanis on 141st anniversary of founder of Pakistan late Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

He took variety of topics in his message including incidents, agreements with the zealots and special happenings of the sit-in at Faizabad, ineligibility of Mr. Nawaz Sharif as Prime Minister by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Genera; Bajwah’s in-camera briefing to the Senate of Pakistan, issues of the missing persons, ongoing military operation against Mohajirs, situations in FATA and Balouchistan and overall issues and challenges that are concerning to Pakistan.

Speaking on the sit-in at Faizabad by the zealots, he said that they had used foul and abusive language and terms against the ministers, media and others, gave threats to them openly and injured hundreds of cops, lynched and damaged peoples’ property and inflicted colossal loss to the country but Pakistan’s military chief Genera; Bajwah approached the Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi with his advice of avoiding any use of force against the rioters. Subsequent to his advice, government reached an agreement with the rioters and the agreement was supported and facilitated by Pakistan’s military as the paramilitary Rangers Director General (DG) Azhar Naveed affixed his signature on that agreement as guarantor. In addition, the paramilitary Rangers DG distributed cash awards among the rioters.

He said that such things never happen and no army is involved in any part of the world. None from PMLN’s ranks or from ministers’ cabinet dared to speak on that unprecedented situation and inform the people about the things that were linked to the sit-in at Faizabad. However, Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Mr. Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui had shown the due courage and spoke with full liberty and raised many legal and constitutional points.

Mr. Hussain held General Bajwah’s briefing to the Senate of Pakistan on security of Pakistan and his response to variety of questions as positive. However, General Bajwah’s stance on the missing persons was very astonishing as he had told the Senate of Pakistan that many persons have gone missing on their own, meaning are hiding them but country’s military and its intelligence forces are wrongly accused of kidnapping and enforcing them to disappear. He had said that intelligence and security forces only arrest those involved in anti-state activities.

It was clear that General Bajwah’s sub-ordinates had briefed him so but the facts are in absolute contrast to what General Bajwah stated before the Senators. Nobody gets self-disappeared but enforced to disappear. Police, Rangers and military intelligence forces break into the houses of the people and arrest them in front of family members and then take them to undisclosed locations and lastly they go missing. The affected families move High Courts with constitutional petitions for safe return of the kidnapped member of the family but Police, Rangers and military plainly deny they had kidnapped any and later mutilated bodies of those kidnapped are found dumped at dumpsters or deserted locations.

He said, “Paramilitary Rangers had arrested MQM activist Aftab Ahmed from his house in the presence of his family on May 1, 2016 and was tortured to death at the detention centre of the paramilitary Rangers on May 3, 2016.”

Rangers had first lied about his cause of death as they claimed Ahmed had died of cardiac arrest but soon media telecast his tortured body and then Rangers DG admitted he was tortured to death. Ex-military chief General Rahil Sharif announced for an enquiry and promised to take the responsible to task but none has yet been interrogated or taken to task, he deplored.

Leader of the Movement Mr. Hussain said that hundreds of MQM workers were kidnapped from Karachi, Hyderabad and other cities in Sindh during military operation against MQM in June 1992 and were enforced to disappear thereof while ex-federal interior minister Chaudhry Shujat Hussain stated in the Senate of Pakistan in 1998 that all those MQM workers were extrajudicially executed and their bodies were dumped in collective grave at the Margalla hills in Rawalpindi.

He said that his family was crushed in 1992 during military operation despite the fact that none of them was in politics in any form. In government of Benazir Bhutto, Police and Rangers had arrested his brother 71 year old Nasir Hussain and nephew 28 year old Arif Hussain and were subjected to torture for consecutive three days and then were taken to Gadap area and were shot on December 9, 1995. In 1995, his brother-in-law Muhammad Aslam Burhani was arrested jailed in Adyala prison in Rawalpindi for six months. Later, he was released but succumbed to injuries from torture.

He said that this was not limited to his family but thousands of Mohajir families are victims of atrocities and injustices. What would be your feelings and how would you react on these atrocities?, he asked General Bajwah.

Though General Bajwah told the Senate of Pakistan that people get disappeared on their own but the fact is that his nephew Khalid Hussain son of Ishraque Hussain was arrested on Jul 19, 2017 in the presence of hundreds of people of his neighbourhood, his brother Abdul Aziz Ansari son of Abdul Sattar Ansari was arrested on Jul 25, 2017, brother of Mustafa Azizabadi Muneer Ali was arrested on Jul 21, 2017, Wasay Jalil’s brother-in-law Anwarul Haque son of Mazharul Haque was arrested on Aug 15, 2017 and thousands of MQM workers thus arrested are still missing.

Addressing General Bajwah, Mr. Hussain said that, “Arranging a meeting of Jahadev with his spouse and mother on humanitarian grounds was a laudable act.” “Families of missing Mohajir and Balouch are refused of the very same act of kindness and even their whereabouts are also not shared with them.”

He requested that all the missing Mohajirs and Balouchs should be allowed to return to their homes or produce them in courts of law so that they could get a fair trial chance if they are accused of any guilt.

He said he has always raised his voice of concern on atrocities on people of Kashmir and urged upon government of India to stop victimisation of people of Kashmir. Following the meeting of Jahadev with his family, India should also allow missing Kashmiris to meet with their families and let Kashmiris decide about their fate per UN resolutions.

Mr. Hussain said that Police and security forces are extorting money from families of arrested MQM workers and this menace has become an easy money-making business.

He said that ex-military chief General Rahil Sharif launched fierce military operation against Taliban, who attacked GHQ, killed people in suicide bombings at public places and places of worship and that military operation was named after the sword of holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “Zarb” but sadly only civilians were targeted in that military operation.

He said General Bajwah also launched a military operation “Raddul Fasad” by in this military operation; too, terrorists of banned religious outfits were not chased. However, a peaceful gathering at his sister’s for offering prayers to the departed soul of his mother was not allowed and arrangements made for that event were sabotaged by the paramilitary Rangers.

He asked General Bajwah to explain as under whose aegis and authority, the world’s most notorious terrorist Osama Bin Laden was allowed to live in safe haven in Abbotabad in the vicinity of Pakistan’s military academy Kakool?

He asked under whose agency or authority the spokesperson of Taliban and successor of Baitullah Mehsood, Ehsanullah Ehsan is protected and saved. Why he has not been brought to people?

He said that under the military operation Raddul Fasad, tribal people in FATA were forced to vacate their houses and forced to live a life of internally displaced persons. On the other hand, local people in Balouchistan are forced to vacate their homes and their places and premises are distributed among Chinese so that they get them well accommodated in the garb of CPEC development.

He said that he created awareness among the people belong to middle and lower middle classes and raised them to the height of Parliamentarians for the first time in Pakistan’s history. But today, he has been declared as traitor and his house has been locked down, his party offices have been shut and in majority demolished unlawfully. MQM has been restricted from doing politics and charity works for the welfare of the indigent people.

He asked General Bajwah to stop these injustices and by treating people with justice, peace and tranquility would prevail in the country.

He said that people of Balouchistan have been demanding justices since 1947 and hence the have been treated and declared as traitors. Ghaffar Khan aka Bacha Khan and Wali Khan who fought against English invaders were declared as traitors. Sain G. M. Syed who voted in favour of Pakistan was declared as traitor and even that he (Altaf Hussain) has also been declared as traitor. Bengalis were declared as traitors for demanding rights but leaders in Punjab who supported Unionist Party in opposition to Muslim League, which created Pakistan and those who provided list bearing names of Sikh freedom fighters to government of India and those who said they would invade Pakistan on tanks of Indian army have never been declared as traitors. These leaders of Punjab are still active in politics.

He said Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto was judicially assassinated at the behest of Pakistan’s military. Leaders from Punjab had fled to foreign countries and even to India during Martial Laws. PPP men had hijacked a plane of PIA. But, none of them was ever declared as traitor. However, leaders from smaller provinces have always been a victim of discrimination and declared as traitor.

He asked General Bajwah to play his role to stop injustices and discrimination against the people of smaller provinces. In case, General Bajwah fails to end the injustices and discrimination, then the situation in Pakistan would repeat as it was once seen in 1971 and then the situation could not be controlled. Bengalis were declared as traitors and they were refused to get recruited in Pakistan army on the basis of their low physical height but they were the Bengalis of lower heights who forced Pakistan army to surrender and ay arms. Bangladesh was considered a burden on Pakistan but its economy is now stronger than Pakistan.

He said all those army Generals responsible for breaking Pakistan into two countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh have never been brought to justice and the Justice Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report has so far been not made public.

He said that General Bajwah says people abroad criticise Pakistan. He should tell what he would do if his kids are kidnapped and their mutilated bodies are dumped at dumpsters. Would he shower roses on the killers of his kids? It is absolutely a crazy idea to hold anyone who criticises Pakistan army as traitor and tortured. Senior journalist Hamid Mir was attacked on raising the issue of missing persons. Few bloggers from Punjab who criticised Pakistan army were kidnapped and forced to disappear. This should now be stopped. Those bloggers deserve due salutations for their courage and for their unwavering determination. It is imperative for the youth of Punjab that they should struggle for making Pakistan per the aspirations and directions of founder of Pakistan.

Mr. Hussain asked General Bajwah to hold enquiry on atrocities and injustices done to Mohajirs done during military operation in Karachi in 1992, ensure safe return of the missing Mohajirs and end all unlawful restrictions on MQM.

He assured that MQM is an entirely patriot Pakistani party, it is not anti-Pakistan but anti-feudalism.

He said he has been saddened on injustices and atrocities on Mohajirs and that Pakistan army should do justice to them. If army has the potential to impose Martial Law then it could also ensure that people get justice at their doorsteps. Mohajirs are in sheer despondence and despair toady. They are being crushed under the grind of inhuman and discriminatory quota system, they are being expelled from services, their homes are being demolished and their businesses are being ruined. Mohajirs are facing physical, economic and educational genocide in Pakistan.

He asked all patriot, honest and kind army Generals, officers and soldiers to play their role for Pakistan and do justice to Mohajirs and all other oppressed folks in Pakistan.

3/6/2025 6:22:41 PM