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Illegal Raid on MQM Landhi Sector and Arrests of MQM Workers by Rangers

Rabita Committee condemns the raid on office of the elected Haq Parast representatives conducted by rangers, illegal arrest of workers and scrawling abusive and provocative graffiti on walls
 Posted on: 10/1/2013
MQM’s Rabita Committee has strongly condemned the rangers’ raid on the office of the elected Haq Parast representatives situated at Landhi. They illegally arrested 15 workers, ransacked the office and took away files and other expensive items. They scrawled abusive and provocative graffiti on walls against the leadership of MQM. 
Rabita Committee lamented that Rangers had raided the office of the elected representatives. It was shocking to see that they had started a whispering campaign against the arrested workers by spreading false news about them on television channels that they were criminals and terrorists. Their actions are highly condemnable and should be condemned as much as possible. 
The Rabita Committee has demanded that the President, Prime Minister, Chief Justice and DG Rangers should take notice of this raids and illegal arrests of workers. The raiding parties are brutally torturing the arrested workers and trying to implicate them in false cases.  Their actions are casting doubts over the transparency of the government’s handling of the operation. Their actions are also putting the good names of the organizations at stake.  The government should find out the black sheeps present in those organizations who are targeting MQM because of their personal grudge and enmity. This help to allay the anxiety of people.
These views were expressed by member of MQM’s Rabita Committee Dr. Saghir, Amir Khan, Syed Amin-ul-Haque, Wasay Jalil, Adil Khan and Aslam Afrida in a press conference held at the office of the elected representatives.  On this occasion Haq Parast MNA Iqbal Muhammad Ali, Ali Rashid and MPA Waqar Ali, Khalid Iftikhar, Amir Moin were also present.
Residents of the area also staged a protest demonstration and raised slogans on the illegal action of the rangers. 
Dr. Saghir asked the rulers, federal and provincial governments, rangers and police officials if this persecution against MQM was being carried out on their orders or this so called operation was a conspiracy against you.  He added that rulers and officials must know these actions were provoking people. These actions would be counterproductive. 
He said that it was Mr. Hussain who had demanded army operation against the criminals first. MQM has been against the anti-social and criminal elements since its inception. The party has always supported government targeted actions against criminals. MQM remains strict to its principled stance. It is our principled stance that action should be taken against criminals present in every party. They should be presented in the court and prosecuted. 
He said that MQM restrained itself despite its arrested workers were subjected to inhume torture for Karachi’s peace. MQM frustrated all the evil plans of conspirators when they arrested MPA Nadeem Hashmi on a fabricated case and registered a false case against MNA Nabeel Gabol in a democratic way. 
We raised voices over  the registration of false cases. Later, investigation proved that case against Nadeem Hashmi was false and fabricated and registered with bad intention.
Dr. Saghir lamented that Provincial  and federal government and rangers and police officials had assured us that this operation was not be politicized. Raids would not be conducted on political parties’ offices and innocent people would not be arrested. He deplored that operation was not being  conducted the way they had promised. 
They are conducting raids on the offices of elected representatives. Today at 7 am rangers raided the office of MNA Asif Hafeez. Hundreds of people visit this office for their problems. Rangers personnel had arrested 15 workers and ransacked the office and took away files related to public grievances, computers, fax machines and other items.
He warned this was not an ordinary incident. They have conducted raid on the office of an elected representative who has been given mandate by the people.  What could they achieve by raids? 
He lamented that our workers were brutally tortured and handed over to families in critical conditions. They threaten family not say anything about their illegal actions otherwise they would too would be arrested and implicated in false case. 
Dr. Saghir made an appeal to the rulers and rangers and police officials to find out black sheep present among them who are giving them a bad because of oppressive actions.  They must take action against the officials who are involved torture and violating the privacies of people. 
He appealed to workers and people remain calm and composed. MQM would raise its voice over this oppression on every forum and adopt legal and constitutional way to fight them. He deplored that some officials were trying to disturb the peace of Karachi by providing protection to criminals. Where would people go for justice if law enforcers become law breakers? 
He said the writ of the government has eroded in Baluchistan. Relief efforts could be carried out there because of insurgency. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, terrorists were carrying out subversive activities. We have seen deaths and destruction there. Who are the elements who want to destroy the peace and tranquility of urban Sindh? What are they trying to achieve this way? Why are loyal Pakistanis of Karachi being punished?

7/18/2024 2:29:35 PM