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Paramilitary Rangers allegations on Altaf Hussain part of malicious agenda: Convener Nadeem Nusrat

Paramilitary Rangers allegations on Altaf Hussain part of malicious agenda: Convener Nadeem Nusrat
 Posted on: 7/26/2017

LONDON. July 26, 2017: Muttahidda Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) Coordination Committee Convener Mr. Nadeem Nusrat has rejected all allegations by the paramilitary Rangers leveled against MQM in context with assassinations of two gangsters in Qasba Colony situated in Karachi’s West part, which is nothing but a continues process of maligning the party. The paramilitary Rangers have been doing this in reaction to their utter failure in weakening the MQM despite all atrocities and injustices they have done to Mohajirs.

He said that, “The press briefing by the Pakistan Rangers Sindh spokesperson was part of malicious agenda of the paramilitary Rangers and was part of media trial of it.” “The spokesperson had fraudulently attributed a voice record to father of Mohajir Nation and MQM founder leader Mr. Altaf Hussain.”

The audio recording that he had played during the press briefing was edited so as to confuse the journalists’ fraternity in particular and Mohajirs in general. However, they failed once again because that audio tape pertained to Mr. Hussain’s speech he had made to the MQM South Africa on the occasion of 39th Foundation Day of All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organisation (APMSO) on July 16 this current month. In that Foundation Day, South African Governmental dignitaries, notables and elected representatives of South African National Congress and former Mayor of the city especially South African Parliament member Muhammad Yousuf Bam and African National Congress member Ms. Najma Ahmed had graced the celebrations. MQM had released Mr. Hussain’s speech, pictures of the event to Pakistani as well as international media and those were also posted on official website of the party, on July 16 this current month. In order to prove the paramilitary Rangers malicious agenda of defaming MQM, the same is being released once again.

Mr. Nusrat said that MQM workers are familiar with style of Mr. Hussain, who never forgets to admire hard workers and what the paramilitary Rangers had baselessly conspired to twist that appreciation to backing the workers in context to assassination of gangsters belonging to army favourite PSP gang proved a flopped scheme.

Even the paramilitary Rangers spokesperson, as is always witnessed in nefarious schemes, could not remove Mr. Hussain’s words of appreciation for MQM South Africa on fabulous preparations for Foundation Day celebrations. The exact words were, “I appreciate from core of my hearts, the entire Unit Committee and every single individual, who played his/her role for making the Foundation Day celebrations a historical event. It was a splendid event and was graced by famed dignitaries.”

He said that, “It is a matter of sheer shame for the paramilitary Rangers that they made a folly once again only in hate.” “They twisted the exact part of Mr. Hussain’s telephonic speech in support of their baseless claim and by doing this, the paramilitary Rangers have been exposed of assassination of two PSP gangsters, which they wanted to exploit but failed.”

The MQM Convener Mr. Nusrat said that the establishment has time and again padded media with baseless reports with a clear purpose of defaming the MQM but had always faced a bouncing shocks the people did not take those concocted stories as serious.

However, all such plots proved baseless in courts of law where the paramilitary Rangers and intelligence agencies failed to prove the charges. Even today, Wednesday, July 26, 2017, MQM workers have been respectfully released from jail on court orders as the paramilitary Rangers failed to prove their charges against them in a case of murdering University of Karachi’s Professor Dr Shakeel Auj. Prof. Auj was assassinated in Karachi on sep 18, 2014. Pakistani media at the behest of the establishment conducted media trial of the MQM but the graceful acquittal of MQM workers is also a mirror to the media and the conspirators. MQM workers were innocent and in fact, terrorists of banned extremist outfit had assassinated him but the paramilitary Rangers had baselessly implicated them just to vent their wrath from frustration.

As per script, the paramilitary Rangers are making arbitrary arrests of MQM workers form Qasba Colony. The establishment had alleged MQM of conspiring against Pakistan by planning for a separate state, Jinnahpur, which they rebutted at a later stage. MQM was also alleged of murdering eminent dignitary Hakeem Muhammad Saeed, which was a conspiracy and was unfolded in court of law.

Mr. Nusrat asked the establishment to stop tactics for maligning the MQM and hatching conspiracies against it.

He categorically rejected allegations leveled by the paramilitary Rangers against the MQM.

3/6/2025 6:34:45 PM