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Military Establishment should tender apology to Mohajir Nation over atrocities: Altaf Hussain

Military Establishment should tender apology to Mohajir Nation over atrocities: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 7/16/2017
Military Establishment should tender apology to Mohajir Nation over atrocities: MQM founder leader Altaf Hussain

“Enough is enough. Mohajirs have been fully occupied by unrest and if state of Pakistan fails to redress and remedy to their sufferings, they may take the course of action, which will be uncontrollable – Salute to UNHRC for taking up the issue of enforced disappearance and killings of Mohajirs – Military should also offer apology to Balouch, Pakhtoon and Tribal folks on atrocities”

Muttahidda Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) founder leader Mr. Altaf Hussain has demanded Pakistani military chief General Qamar Jawaid Bajwah to end ongoing military crackdown against MQM and tender unconditional apology to Mohajir Nation, Balouch, Pakhtoon and tribal folks on atrocities, repression and genocide.
He made this demand in his exclusive audio message released through social media on Sunday, July 16, 2017.
He said that Mohajir Nation is facing worst repression of the state through military crackdown on demanding their rights and thousands of innocent Mohajirs have brutally been executed extrajudicially in this ongoing military crackdown. In addition, thousands have been detained and jailed without any lawful charge while as many are missing after the security forces kidnapped them from their homes. MQM office and its headquarters have been locked down. This is worst of all atrocities and repressive tactics that the state of Pakistan and the military establishment have applied on MQM and Mohajir Nation.
As well, the paramilitary Rangers have kidnapped thousands of MQM workers, tortured them in detention centres and many have been tortured to death. The families of slain in detention MQM workers are wandering for justice but to no avail, he said adding that conversely, former DG of the Rangers Maj. Gen. Bilal Akbar ( now promoted to higher rank) had announced to conduct investigations on custodial murder of Aftab Ahmed but none of the killers personnel of the Rangers were punished. Similarly, former chief of Pakistan’s military Gen. (ret.) Rahil Sharif had announced to conduct enquiry on Ahmed’s custodial murder but he did and awarded promotion to Maj. Gen. Bilal Akbar and then he left for Saudi Arabia to take the charge of Saudi-led military alliance as commander. The aggrieved family of slain Ahmed is still denied of justice and the security forces are rampantly kidnapping MQM workers without any warrant from any court of law, he claimed.
Mr. Hussain said that this is a very painful situation as unrest is occupying Mohajir Nation. “There is still time to remedy the sufferings of Mohajir Nation and stop the deadliest military crackdown against MQM and Mohajir nation before it is too late.”
MQM workers in detention and in jail should immediately be set free and those kidnapped and detained in centres unknown to any except the security forces should also be released without fail. MQM headquarters in Azizabad, Nine zero, which is being locked down should also be opened and handed over back to MQM.
He warned that if the establishment won’t listen to him, the unrest that has occupied Mohajir Nation would find its own course of action and then the situation would be completely uncontrollable for the state and the establishment.
MQM founder leader Mr. Hussain offered his cordial salutations to the UNHRC on raising the issue of Mohajir Nation with regard to enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and torture. The UNHRC has asked the government of Pakistan to explain on custodial death of Ahmed and other MQM workers.
He said that no Pakistani institution is willing to hear MQM and provide justice.
He said, “I will appeal to the UN Secretary General, heads of democratic counties of the world, human rights NGOs and the international community to use their influence for the provision of justice to Mohajir Nation in Pakistan”. “ UN, democratic countries, HR NGOs should play their role in bringing the missing Mohajirs, Balouch and Pakhtoon folks from state repression and atrocities in Pakistan.”
He said that though the biased, planted and paid TV anchorpersons are constantly claiming that the paramilitary Rangers have enforced peace and tranquility in Karachi but the facts are very disturbing and contrary to ground reality. The Rangers have been imposed in Karachi in 1989 and their claims for curbing the crimes and terrorists’ gangs in Karachi is extremely are only lies. The Taliban sanctuaries and dens in Karachi are well protected and the Rangers do not dare to enter those sanctuaries and dens. Recently, two high profile terrorists of banned terrorist outfit easily managed to escape from Central Prison Karachi and the law enforcement agencies and the security forces have failed in arresting them back because these facilitated the terrorists for their escape and they won’t ever arrest them back.
MQM founder leader Mr. Hussain while criticizing the military Junta on their deceptive statements through the Inter-Services Public relations (ISPR) asked them to explain why military operation “Raddul Fasad” was launched if the military operation “Zarb-e Azb” was a success story and why the military establishment has launched the military operation “Operation Khyber-4” if the military operation Raddul Fasad is a success story, as well? The fact is that the military establishment is lying to the people of Pakistan because they are not serious on eliminating the sanctuaries of terrorism from Pakistan. If they are then why they have so far not eliminated the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) located right in front of ISI headquarters at Aabpara in Islamabad. The terrorists of Lal Masjid had in past gunned down 8 SSG commandos, many Police officers and the ringleader of Lal Masjid Maulana Abdul Aziz had witnessed oath from the terrorists on behalf of ISIS chief Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. Concrete evidences in form of video clips are available on social media.
Conversely, Pakistan’s military offered complete amnesty to former spokesperson to Taliban, who had directly been involved in attacks on GHQ, Naval Base Mehran, Kamrah Airbase and killings of security forces’ personnel, suicide bombings at schools, mosques, Imam Bargahs, killings of thousands of civilians and armed forces personnel in Pakistan. Instead, Ehsanullah Ehsan was produced on Pakistani TV screens as hero and Mujahid only because he also belongs as aide to Pakistan’s military. Today, the whole international community has learned that it is Pakistan behind all terrorist attacks in corners of the world and now the world can’t be duped and deceived.
He asked Pakistan’s military establishment to send troops to Kashmir rather than using terrorist gangs as proxy against India, so that the occupied Kashmir could be freed.
On commenting on ongoing political situation in Pakistan, he said that he would welcome the SC for taking Nawaz Sharif to task on corruption but why not others. The SC should also punish Asif Ali Zardari, Imran Khan, Jehangir Khan Tareen and Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain on corruption. As far as Imran Khan is concerned, Los Angeles court has already declared through a verdict that he has fathered a daughter out of marriage.
It is also a matter of sheer astonishment that those who betrayed him despite they had sworn otah on the holy Quran (PIB gang and others) are now demanding the PM Nawaz Sharif to step down on moral grounds, as if they have any moral grounds on betraying him and Mohajir Nation. Those who were raised in MQM, promoted to the level of Parliamentarians have traded on collective interests of Mohajir nation as they preferred petty sums of money, comforts and perks and privileges. “I was also arrested thrice in Pakistan but never compromised over collective rights of Mohajir Nation and would never do it.”
He categorically pronounced to continue the struggle for rights of Mohajir Nation and would reach the destination one day with the blessings of God.

7/18/2024 4:33:20 PM