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Muhajir issue raised in the US Congress

Muhajir issue raised in the US Congress
 Posted on: 6/26/2017

Muhajir issue raised in the US Congress

Congressman Ted Poe exposed the vulturous and butcherous characteristics of Pakistan's ISI

26 June 2017:

Well reputed & Renowned Congressman Ted Poe has raised the plight of Muhajirs in the United States Congress and criticised Pakistan's role in facilitating and sponsoring terrorism worldwide.

In his speech,delivered in the US Congress, Mr. Poe gave a detailed history of Pakistan's direct association with Al Qaida, Taliban, Haqqani network and other terrorists groups and said ''Pakistan is playing the United States''.

Congressman Ted Poe has invited the attention of US government of severe human rights violations against Muhajirs, Baloch and Pashtoons being carried out by Pakistan Army and ISI.

Mr. Poe blatantly exposed the vulturous and butcherous characteristics of Pakistan's ISI who is responsible of killing of thousands of innocent citizens not only in Pakistan but also in neighbouring countries and also raised the plight of Muhajirs who are under suppression in Pakistan since its inception.

Here is the excerpts and web link of Congressman Ted Poe's speech:

''The World Muhajir Congress has written a letter to the United States Congress.Who are these folks?

Well,they represent the views and interests of the Muhajirs. They are descendants of Muslims who migrated from India to Pakistan at the time of the partition of India in 1947.

They write a letter, and the title of their letter is: ``World Muhajir Congress request U.S. Congress to cut off military aid to Pakistan.'' They go into detail talking about the terrorist activity of the Government of Pakistan, and not only in Pakistan, but in borders across the world.

They“request Trump administration and the U.S. Congress to cut off military aid to Pakistan. Pakistan army and intelligence agency ISI is mainly using this military aid--American military aid--to kill innocent Muhajirs, Baloch, and Pashtoons. The double game of Pakistan's security establishment with U.S.administration must come to an end, which has put lives of U.S. and NATO soldiers in danger in Afghanistan.”

Mr.Speaker, I include in the Record the letter.''

Web link:

3/6/2025 6:33:02 PM