June 19 an unforgettable dark day in MQM history: Nadeem Nusrat
Posted on: 6/20/2017
June 19 an unforgettable dark day in MQM history: Nadeem Nusrat
“Haqiqi terrorists with the blessing, logistic support, patronage occupied MQM office, martyred thousands of workers – Having seen Haqiqi plot as flopped, establishment unleashed a new conspiracy in form of PSP, which Mohajir also rejected –Army compelled MQM Parliamentarians to betray founder and leader and occupied MQM”
Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) Coordination Committee Convener Nadeem Nusrat said June 19, 1992 was a black day in history of MQM and Mohajirs can never forget that day, the atrocities and killings of Mohajirs on that day.
He was addressing the Mohajir audience on the occasion of collective recitation of the Holy Quran for offering prayers to the martyrs of June 19 and onwards. MQM coordination Committee members, MQM UK organizers, workers and affiliates, MQM Women Wing members and others were present.
He told the audience that the state of Pakistan implemented the deadliest conspiracy against MQM and Mohajirs in the garb of military action against criminals from feudal nomenclature, extortionists, kidnappers for ransom and the state of Pakistan claimed there were just 72 such hardened criminals to be chased and taken to task. However, it was a well-planned plan of the state of Pakistan to carry genocide of the Mohajirs and they did it with full force.
He said that the military operation immediately after it was launched was directed towards the MQM and Mohajirs and the military agencies created a notorious gang of Haqiqi terrorists to target MQM workers and Mohajirs and they had under the support of Military establishment and its secret services kidnapped thousands of Mohajirs and martyred them. Haqiqi terrorists equipped with military weapons, entered residential colonies of Mohajirs and occupied MQM offices, kidnapped MQM workers, tortured them and martyred them.
The atrocities started on June 19, 1992 by the military are still in full swing. However, the Haqiqi plot of the army had failed and Mohajirs remain united under the dynamic leadership of father of the Mohajir Nation Mr. Altaf Hussain. Having been humiliated by the Mohajirs and their unity, the army started implementing its conspiracy against MQM once again and in this context, they launched another military operation in 2013. It was also claimed to be against hardened criminals and jet black terrorists but as usual, army directed the course of that military operation against MQM and gathered all bad elements and criminals, who were expelled from MQM and formed a faction of such criminals named as PSP.
To the utmost astonishment to the army, Mohajirs have once again rejected PSP and in fact army for its anti-Mohajir nefarious schemes. On August 22, MQM designates in Pakistan were pushed forward to occupy MQM and all the Parliamentarians whom the Mohajirs had elected only on request of Mr. Hussain were compelled to part ways with MQM founder leader Mr. Hussain.
The military establishment has so far martyred thousands of MQM workers since June 19, 1992 but could not divide the Mohajirs, who are united under the dynamic leadership of their spiritual father Mr. Hussain.
Nusrat said that sacrifices of the martyrs of MQM would never go in vain but would soon be translated into a reality in form of attaining the final destination.
3/6/2025 7:15:32 PM