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Lethal attack on Maulana Ghafoor Hyderi is a candid proof of failure of Army, FC and intelligence – Altaf Hussain

Lethal attack on Maulana Ghafoor Hyderi is a candid proof of failure of Army, FC and intelligence – Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 5/12/2017
Attack on Maulana Ghafoor Hyderi a highly condemn-able act of terrorism: Altaf Hussain
Lethal attack on Maulana Ghafoor Hyderi is a candid proof of failure of Army, FC and intelligence – Pakistan’s incumbent interior minister is the biggest patron of terrorist organisations –
Pakistan has been left on mercy of Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Da’esh and only Mohajirs are facing genocide by army.

Muttahidda Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) Pakistan founder leader Altaf Hussain has strongly condemned the cowardice attack on Jamiat Ulema-e Islam Fazl (JUI-F) leader and Senate of Pakistan deputy Chairman Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Hyderi in Mastung area in Balouchistan. Hyderi was moving in his car in a convoy at the time he was hit. He along with several companions sustained injuries and many turned martyrs.
Hussain in his statement asserted that the government and security forces have converted Balouchistan into a military cantonment. Despite huge deployment of troopers in Balouchistan, the terror attack Ghafoor’s convoy was a manifest of complete failure of Pakistan Army, its paramilitary Frontier Corps and intelligence agencies.
He said that Pakistan’s incumbent federal interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan is known for his association with terrorist organisations and banned extremists outfits in Pakistan. His connivance with the extremist organisations was established by a Judicial Commission that was constituted by Pakistan’s Supreme Court for investigations on suicide blast on lawyers in Quetta in which several dozen lawyers were martyred and as many were left lethally injured. The report of that Judicial Commission had described the coordination of the interior minister with the extremist organisations for facilitating and supporting them.
Terrorism in Pakistan will never be eliminated unless the incumbent federal interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ail Khan is not removed and tried for his ulterior motives.
The MQM founder leader Altaf Hussain said that the government and security forces of the country have left the entire population of the country on mercy of Al-Qaeda, Taliban and Da’esh (ISIS) and have only focused on massacring the innocent Mohajirs. The deadliest Taliban killer, TTP spokesperson Ehsanullah Ehsan is now being presented as naive and patriot Pakistan.
He questioned as how people of Pakistan may live a life without fears, insecurity and premonitions when the country’s army, its intelligence agencies would only be for eliminating Mohajirs in Karachi, conspiring for transforming whole of the country into a colony of Punjab, patronising Jihadist and extremist organisations, promoting Taliban terrorists as naive and patriotic Pakistanis.
The MQM founder leader Altaf Hussain warned the civil and military leaderships of learning lessons from the past blunders and stop atrocities against the oppressed people of the country.
He expressed his profound grief to the JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman over the tragic incident and extended his condolences to the bereaved families for losing their beloved in terror attack in Mastung, Balouchistan.
He also prayed for the early recovery of the injured and showed his full support to the bereaved families.

7/18/2024 10:19:22 PM