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Urban Province is right of Mohajirs: MQM Founder Altaf Hussain

Urban Province is right of Mohajirs: MQM Founder Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 5/7/2017 1

Urban Province is right of Mohajirs: MQM Founder Altaf Hussain



“No force can deprive Mohajirs of their just rights – MQM can’t be stopped from struggling for rights of Mohajirs”


“Pakistani judiciary has failed to impart justice to the victims of state repression – President, PM, COAS failed to respond positively for ending atrocities against Mohajirs”


“PIB Group is a pack of liars and hypocrites – They have worst tormented MQM workers and won’t be forgiven”


“Mohajirs can’t reach their destination without eliminating traitors from their ranks and files”




LONDON. May 7, 2017: The Muttahidda Qaumi Movement’s (Pakistan) founder leader Mr. Altaf Hussain has asserted that the acts of tyranny and barbarism can never hamper the struggle for the rights. The struggle of the MQM shall despite all atrocities sponsored by the fascist regime continue until the rights are achieved.

He expressed these views while addressing to the women affiliates of the MQM over telephone from London. Besides women affiliates of the MQM, women from all walks of life having strong sympathy to the MQM and girls students from different academic institutions also attended to Hussain’s telephonic address.

The MQM founder leader appreciated women for their unshaken support to the MQM for struggling for the rights of the oppressed.

Mr. Hussain told them that he had passed through number of dictatorial regimes in past in Pakistan but the ongoing regime in Pakistan does not have any past precedence for worst of all time tyranny, injustices, atrocities and repression. The courts in Pakistan have never been paralysed before as they are today because they are controlled and only act and proceed on dictation from authoritarian powerful corners. No appeal made to the Pakistani judiciary was heard and even direct communication with the President of Pakistan, Prime Minister and Pakistan Army’s chief seeking their intervention in matters of injustices remained abortive and fruitless.

He argued that the divine sometimes tests the courage and determination of the deprived and oppressed to stand manly to the man-made havocs and prolongs the period of the oppressors but for a limited time.

The MQM had staged a historic gathering of Mohajirs at Nishtar Park in Karachi on 8th August, 1986, which was replicated in Hyderabad on 31st October, 1986. However, Mohajirs were subjected to lethal steps of the oppressors and hundreds of innocent Mohajirs were martyred at Karachi’s Sohrab Goth area and a hotel owned by a Pathan in Hyderabad. That massacre of Mohajirs was a plan of the oppressing forces to translate the killings of Mohajirs into ethnic riots. On returning to Karachi from Hyderabad, law enforcers had taken me (Altaf Hussain) in custody near Gakhar Phatak area. However, MQM actively contested local body polls despite all hampering tactics of the establishment and swept the polls in Karachi and in Hyderabad. MQM had its Mayors elected unopposed. Conversely, MQM made it a history by sweeping general elections in 1988 and again in 1990. The sweeping victory of the MQM in electoral politics in cities of Sindh province, the establishment lost its patience and created faction of touts they had pushed into MQM. The touts were fully supported with everything, money, weapons and protective cover to occupy challenge MQM’s dominance in cities. They were armed heavily and transported in Pakistan Army trucks and were supported for occupying MQM offices. Besides those criminal acts, Mohajirs were subjected to arbitrary arrests and thousands of MQM workers had gone underground to remain safe from getting arrested and murdered. In those highly difficult times, women of MQM did not spare a moment for keeping MQM working for the Mohajirs during absence of male muscles. It was October of 1998 when certain leading officers of the MQM such as late MQM Chairman Azeem Ahmed Tariq, Dr Farooque Sattar, Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Tariq Javed, S/ M. Tariq and Amin Ul Haque had come back from self-imposed disappearances. At that time of testing, all the elected Parliamentarians had joined them but I (Altaf Hussain) did not lose my heart and they failed to weaken my spirits and unshaken determination for the rights of Mohajirs. Dr Farooque Sattar had also at that time made his efforts for sidelining me from the struggle as he conveyed a message of the Pakistan Army that the worst and deadliest military operation against Mohajirs would immediately end and all workers in detention would be set free if I (Altaf Hussain) would choose to leave MQM for good. However, I had informed him that it was part of game and the deadliest military operation against Mohajirs won’t stop even after I (Altaf Hussain) would accept their demand of staying away from MQM. Though I had fully sensed the cunning designs of Pakistan Army, I on the pretext of my sickness announced to leaving the MQM and made an appeal to the Mohajirs for their support to the then MQM Chairman Azeem Ahmed Tariq. Time, however, proved my premonition were hundred percent correct as the deadliest military operation against Mohajirs continued with full hostility and tyranny.

It was the betrayal in MQM ranks that hosted the military operation against Mohajirs. As nation, Mohajirs considered their sweeping victories as success in struggle but the divine had showed MQM that the path of success was still far away because of the traitors in MQM ranks and the true success would only be available after getting rid of the traitors and then Mohajirs would reach their destination. In 1993, MQM was compelled to boycott the general elections for the national assembly but when the party was allowed (by the establishment), it was actively engaged in the electioneering and once again swept the elections in cities for the provincial assembly. But despite the fact that MQM had swept the polls for provincial assembly, the establishment still refused to give even playing field to it and impeded all routes that were leading to the welfare and prosperity of Mohajirs. Governor rule was imposed in Sindh in 1998 during the Sharif regime and the elected provincial assembly was dissolved in violation to the constitution of Pakistan.  Former Army Chief General (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf had imposed Martial Law in Pakistan in 1999. Local body polls were held in Musharraf’s regime but MQM had boycotted the local body polls in 2001 but when the constitution was restored and democracy had resumed in Pakistan in 2005, MQM actively participated in local body polls and had formed political alliance with the PMLQ and served the people at the highest level of satisfaction. I was in London at that time and driven by my soft nature, I forgave Dr Farooque Sattar and others on their betrayal and wrongdoings in party, against MQM and Mohajirs. However, they did not change their minds and continued to exploit the mandate of Mohajirs and trust of MQM and me, the founder leader of MQM. Dr Farooque Sattar and the conglomerates served their families and their vested personal interests.

Mr. Hussain told the women that the establishment launched a fierce crackdown against MQM and Mohajirs once again in 2013. In august 2016 when the enforced disappearances of MQM workers and unchecked arbitrary arrests of MQM workers and sympathizers crossed all limits and MQM workers were extrajudicially murdered in large number, I had dismissed the Coordination Committee thrice on charges of corruption but when Dr Farooque Sattar and conglomerates tendered apology, I was once again constrained by my soft nature and pardoned them once again but that last act of pardoning these traitors proved very fatal. There is limit to pardon the guilty. Those I had ousted from the party had formed their own groups and Dr Farooque Sattar crossed all limits as he hijacked the party and declared him as leader alone. Many Parliamentarians, members of assemblies and Senate had joined him for the sake of their personal and vested interests. They started assisting the law enforcers for arbitrary arrests of MQM workers by sharing information about the workers and supporters. The Paramilitary Rangers in absolute violation to their charter of duties and responsibilities applied worst torture tactic on detained workers, forced them to change their loyalty, leave their leader Altaf Hussain and enlist them in newly formed PSP or PIB group of traitors. Those brave and courageous workers who refused to betray their leader Altaf Hussain were booked in dozens of fake cases and imprisoned without any truthful charge. Families of such victim workers were also chased and forced to pay huge money oin brine for safe return of their sons to home. Mothers and sisters of such detained MQM workers sold out their traditional gold ornaments and all precious and expensive goods for release of their sons and brothers. But still, more than 150 MQM workers, who have been kidnapped ny the Paramilitary Rangers are missing.

Some of women in the gathering told Mr. Husain that they had heard PIG groups as saying they are with him (Altaf Hussain) on which he (Altaf Hussain) told them that the PIB Groups was a pack of liars and was misleading the people through their established trickery and hypocrisy.

Mr. Hussain categorically asserted that enough was enough and now no traitor would be pardoned for their heinous crimes against the Mohajir nation and workers of MQM. These traitors, as was in past, will never be pardoned and IF God willing, they will face the music for brutally tormenting the workers and Mohajirs. MQM would bring those workers forward, who suffered atrocities but remained loyal and devoted.

Mr. Hussain told them that he along with his people is striving to get rights for Mohajirs and no power can stop MQM from leaving the mission incomplete. MQM is fully determined to continue with the struggle for the rights of Mohajir nation under all hostile situations imposed by the state of Pakistan.

Mr. Hussain told them that Mohajirs who dominate cities in Sindh province have their lawful right for their separate province and they would also have the legal rights and powers for architecting, enforcing and erecting their own Army and Police. Any repressive move by the rulers of the country would face the fury of the Mohajirs.

MQM founder leader Altaf Hussain while addressing the youth, told them that they are the future of the next generation and hence they should play their active role in MQM’s struggle for obtaining the required results of the aims and objectives of the movement.

He warned the forces of repression that they should stop crushing Mohajirs and keeping them deprived of their rights or else they (Mohajirs) would get their rights by force.

In the last, Mr. Hussain extended his immense cordial appreciation to women workers and prayed for their prosperity, peace, joys and longevity of their lives.

7/18/2024 10:18:14 PM