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Suicide bombing at the Church in Peshawar is condemnable, inhuman, callous and a barbaraic act - Altaf Hussain

Suicide bombing at the Church in Peshawar is condemnable, inhuman, callous and a barbaraic act - Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 9/22/2013
Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) has said that the suicide bombing at the Church in Peshawar is not only condemnable, but also a callous and barbaric terrorist act. He further added that this barbaric act, in which scores of people have already lost their lives and more than hundred critically wounded, was carried out while Christians were attending Sunday prayers.
Mr Altaf Hussain said that it was not only in contravention of the human rights but also a totally inhuman act. He hoped that the perpetrators would not escape the retribution of Almighty Allah.
Mr Altaf Hussain appealed to all the national and international civil rights and human rights organisations as well as the United Nations to raise their voices against this inhuman and brutal act against Christian community in Pakistan.
Mr Altaf Hussain further condemned this treacherous and cowardice terrorist act and said that he shares grief and sorrow of Christian Community and that his heart goes out for bereaved families. The members of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) express their full support and solidarity with the Christian community in Pakistan, he concluded.

3/29/2025 10:44:17 PM