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“No further action will be taken against Altaf Hussain” Met Police informs Altaf Hussain’s lawyers

“No further action will be taken against Altaf Hussain” Met Police informs Altaf Hussain’s lawyers
 Posted on: 11/11/2016

“No furtheraction will be taken against Altaf Hussain” Met Police informs Altaf Hussain’slawyers

CPS decisionvindicates the principle stand of Mr Altaf Hussain and the MQM – Nadeem Nusrat

Nadeem Nusratcongratulates Haq Parast people and party members and supporters over CPSdecision

London– 11 November 2016

Convenerof Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Nadeem Nusrat has congratulated all HaqParast people of Pakistan as well as MQM office-bearers and workers over thedecision of London Metropolitan Police to formally stop any further action inrelation to the money-laundering investigations against MQM Quaid Altaf Hussainand others.

Ina statement issued on Friday, Nadeem Nusrat said that the lawyers of MQM QuaidAltaf Hussain have received a letter from Metropolitan Police this afternoon formallyconfirming that “as a result of receiving advice from the Crown ProsecutionService, no further action will be taken against your clients in relation tothe money laundering investigation they have been subjected of.”

NadeemNusrat added that the said decision has been taken following years longinvestigation during which hundreds of witnesses were interviewed and all theevidences were taken into consideration.

“Thedecision of the Crown Prosecution Service and the Metropolitan Service hasvindicated the principle stand Mr Altaf Hussain and the MQM had taken from theday one that they have not done any wrong. I congratulate all those mothers,sisters, elderly people, innocent children and loyal party office bearers andworkers who stood by Quaid-e-Tehreek Altaf Hussain and prayed day and night forhim,” Nadeem Nusrat added.

NadeemNusrat requested people of all religions and faiths to express their gratitudeto Almighty God for this decision and pray for the long life and health ofQuaid-e-Tehreek Altaf Hussain.


3/6/2025 6:22:02 PM