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MQM has the support of Allah and people. No power on the earth can crush MQM if Allah is with us. Neither America nor Britain can do that: Altaf Hussain

MQM has the support of Allah and people.  No power on the earth can crush MQM if Allah is with us. Neither America nor Britain can do that: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 9/17/2013
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The Founder and leader of MQM has said MQM has the support of Allah and people.  No power on the earth can crush MQM if Allah is with us. Neither America nor Britain can do that.
History tells us that mass movements, which adopt peaceful means to achieve their objectives, can be suppressed for a while, but they cannot be crushed. 
Mr. Hussain said he had never violated British Laws. He added that he had always preached his followers the virtues of patience and restraint.  He warned the world that MQM’s policy of restraint should not be construed as weakness.
Mr. Hussain expressed these views while addressing rallies at 90 Azizabad, Hyderabad, MirpurKhas, Nawabshah, Shanghar and Tando Allahyar through telephone. These people had gathered there to celebrate his birthday.
In the beginning of his address, he paid great tributes to MQM’s martyred convener Dr. Imran Farooq. He said today was the third death anniversary of Dr. Imran Farooq. He prayed to Allah to grant him His blessings and forgive the martyrs of the movement.  He prayed that sacrifices of the martyrs should give hope and courage to the supporters of the movement.
Mr. Hussain said that he had been telling people for a long time that some forces on national and International levels had become active against MQM.  For the last one week, scores of news articles have been published in the well-known American and British newspapers about me. They have published baseless and false stories in these articles and have used derogatory language against me.
He added that MQM’s rivals have started displaying their political bias. They are cleverly stating their opinions on the basis of their reports. Some people have said MQM’s days are numbered. 
Mr. Hussain told his supporters that MQM’s rivals had been trying to crush the party for 35 years. However, we have seen that MQM has become stronger by the grace of Allah and our enemies have suffered defeat. 
I swear to Allah that No power on the earth can crush MQM because it enjoys support of the people and blessing of the Lord. Neither America nor Britain can do that. 
In the past MQM’s rivals had labeled me as the agent of Jews, America and Britain.  These people should be ashamed of their action. The publication of baseless and fabricated articles in the American and British papers has proved that Altaf Hussain is the agent of Allah, Pakistan and the oppressed people of Pakistan.
Mr. Hussain asked the participants whether anti-MQM propaganda has affected them. The participants replied that it had not affected them in one voice.
Mr. Hussain deplored that  MQM rivals in Pakistan were rejoicing over the whispering campaign in the British and American newspapers. He took a pledge from his workers that they would carry on this movement if anything happened to him. The workers present in gatherings promised they would.
He said that it takes time and sacrifices for the successful culmination of a movement. Movements which achieve success suddenly, collapse quickly. MQM’s message is spreading across Pakistan despite conspiracies.
Mr. Hussain hoped that a day would come when people would unite under the leadership of Altaf Hussain. He said that MQM was not his property but the movement of people. He added that his party would end the corrupt political system and bring true democracy in the country.
Mr. Hussain said that people had tried to restrict MQM and snatch its mandate. In order to do that they adjusted constituencies that was an illegal and unconstitutional action. They did verification of voters lists under army’s supervision. We accepted their decisions.  Our rivals said that MQM wins elections by fraud. Bye election results proved them wrong and they suffered ignominy.
He said that MQM’s rivals raised hue and cry over my demand for the deployment of army for the restoration of peace in Karachi. However, these rival parties always demand for the deployment of army for every crisis.  He demanded of the federal and provincial governments to produced MQM’s arrested workers in the court. These workers had been arrested in front of their parents. We should also be informed if they had been executed. 
Mr. Hussain appealed to responsible journalists and anchor persons to regard MQM as a political party of Pakistan. He also advised in speech to MQM’s leaders and elected representatives not to use abusive language in response to abusive remarks.
He also appealed to the parents of MQM’s workers and elders not to pay attention to propaganda against MQM. He said trials and tribulations should not discourage them. God is with the oppressed. He said that he was a weak person and he was running this movement with  God’s support. 
He said that thousands of my workers had laid down their lives for the movement and endured torture. However, they are still committed and shown perseverance.  Mr. Hassain also thanked his non-Muslims workers and supporters. He said that he loved them all.
He prayed for unity in end of his speech implored God to frustrate the plans of those were conspiracies against MQM.

3/28/2025 4:17:14 PM