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Federal and Provincial rulers should tell the nation that they cannot stop drone attacks: Altaf Hussain

Federal and Provincial rulers should tell the nation that they cannot stop drone attacks: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 8/17/2013
We should defend the country by speaking the truth and learning from our mistakes
Muttahida Quami Movement Quaid Mr. Altaf Hussain has said that Federal and Provincial rulers should tell facts to the nation. They should tell them honestly that they could not stop drone attacks.  How can we stop drone attacks when our police, rangers, Special Branch, Intelligence Bureau, ISI and FIA and other agencies could not overcome the person who taken Islamabad hostage for five hour.  He said these words while addressing a meeting in London at the International Secretariat.
Deputy Convener of Co-ordination Committee Nadeem Nusrat and members of Co-ordination Committee Tariq Jawed, Mustafa Azizabadi, Mohammad Ashfaq, Qasim Ali Raza, Former Senator Ahmed Ali, former member of Co-ordination Committee Gul Faraz Khan Khattak, members of International Secretariat and members of MQM UK Organizing Committee were present in the meeting.
Mr. Altaf Hussain also said in his address that we should tell our new generation the truth even if our history is chequered.  A country which tells its young generation fabricated and distorted history instead of telling them real facts,  its geographical boundaries are changed.
Mr  Altaf Hussain said that MQM is an ideological party which believes in realism and practicalism. The parties which claim to be ideological parties do not believe in practicalism.  They give lectures on helping the poor, but practically do nothing. Leaders of these parties fool people by their hollow slogans. They use  IMF loans and foreign aid to make properties instead of spending them on the nation and the people. No one asks them how much properties they had when entered into politics and how did their properties and wealth increase after they entered the politics. He added those who have plundered national wealth must be held accountable for their loot and plunder.
Countries which take action against people who loot and plunder national wealth honestly do not fall. They prosper. Accountability should be done through honest people who would not hesitate to take action against their blood relatives. He lamented no action has been taken against loan defaulters in our country. They have got their loans worth millions of rupees written-off. No one dares to ask them and country’s institutions do not spring into action against these plunderers.
Mr. Altaf Hussain said that they are lying about drone attacks to the nation. Some parties have been making claims they will shoot down drones if they come to power.  Now they have got the provincial and federal governments. Were they able to do stop drone attacks?
They used to stage protest against the drone attacks because of people’s pressure. Now, they neither talk about protest against the drone attacks nor do they condemn the attacks and do not mention the names of the people who die in these attacks.
Mr. Altaf Hussain said the parties which are in power should tell the nation they could not stop drone attacks. He added the fact is that we could not overcome a person who had taken Islamabad hostage for five hours.  We could not stop a person despite having police, rangers, special branch, IBI, ISI, and FIA and other agencies.  How could we stop drone attacks?
He said that 21st Century is the century of Information and technology. We cannot hide facts from the nation. We should tell the nation truth and accept our mistakes if we want to stop Pakistan from disintegration.
We can make defense of our country strong, by learning lessons from our mistakes and telling the nation the truth.
Mr. Altaf Hussain said that MQM has been improving itself by learning from its mistakes. So Pakistan’s other political and religious parties should accept their mistakes and reform themselves. They should tell the nation truth and should avoid burying issues. It is the responsibility of political and religious leaders that they should sit together for the better future of the nation. Accept their mistakes and tell the nation facts.  If we tell the nation facts and defend the borders together then no country will look at us with evil eyes.
Mr. Altaf Hussain said to MQM’s Office bearers and members that friendship in a movement proves fatal for the movement. Ideological relation acts as a powerful bond for movements which are started for some cause and mission. If the members of a movement prefer personal relationship over ideological relationship then this attitude harms them and the movement.

7/18/2024 12:36:34 PM