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MQM launches 8-point `Policy Brief’ on National Counter Terrorism Policy

MQM launches 8-point `Policy Brief’ on National Counter Terrorism Policy
 Posted on: 8/13/2013
Policy Brief Document
Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s parliamentary party leader in the National Assembly, Dr Mohammad Farooq Sattar, vowed on Tuesday that restoration of peace in the country was his party’s priority, saying that “we are with Pakistan and with its peace and that is our faith”.
He was speaking at a news conference at the launch of a “Policy Brief” in connection with preparation of MQM’s National Counter Terrorism Policy (NCTP) at Azizabad’s Khursheed Begum Secretariat. Muttahida’s Coordination Committee’s Member Syed Haider Abbas Rizvi, Haq Parast Members of Sindh Assembly Syed Sardar Ahmed, Faisal Subzwari and Khwaja Izhar-ul-Haq were also present on the occasion.
Deploring that that “the country’s colossal loss in 1971 was the creation of Bangladesh”, Dr Sattar said that “even today Pakistan is facing numerous issues and crises such as extremism, terrorism, economic, educational, sky-rocketing prices and unemployment, and to tackle all these everyone would have to come forward, or else there was a fear of coming into existence of more Bangladesh.
In this regard, he said that the need of the hour was that all parties should jointly formulate national policy against prevailing terrorism.
Referring to Gen Zia-ul-Haq’s era, Dr Sattar said that the nation was reaping the menace of extremism in the form of a wave of a tsunami, the seed of which was sown by the General Zia.
The MQM leader said that holding dialogue with those elements who neither accepted the country’s constitution nor its laws amounted to a cruel joke with the Pakistan and its people.
Welcoming the Federal Interior Minister Chaudhri Nisar Ali Khan’s news conference on behalf of MQM chief Altaf Hussain and the party, Dr Sattar said that they have been anxiously waiting for the All-Parties Conference. MQM’s homework for the proposed APC was already complete and its 12-page `Policy Brief’, contained eight-point which are aimed at controlling and wiping out terrorism from its roots and restoring peace and putting the country on the road to progress and prosperity.
He said that “at a time when we are celebrating 66th Independence Day we will have to take review that what we got and what we lost.”
Recalling that the MQM chief Altaf Hussain being a responsible and patriot Pakistani had forewarned about the `Talbanisation’ in Pakistan and Karachi and had also, simultaneously, made an appeal to policy-makers, rulers, government officials, politicians and the media to help save Pakistan from the menace of Talibanasation.
He said that MQM had fulfilled its responsibility by preparing a `Policy Brief’ of its NCTP and hoped that the APC being convened by the Nawaz Sharif government would benefit from the document.
At the outset, Dr Sattar said that the MQM was dispatching its `Policy Brief’ to President, Prime Minister Chief of Army Staff, all the parliamentarians, intellectuals and leaders of the civil society for their perusal and for their input in the policy. 

7/18/2024 12:33:02 PM