MQMDemands Immediate Release of Central Coordination Committee Member QamarMansoor and other Arrested Members
MQMis being Subjected to Revenge; Being Crushed under the Garb of Hate Speech
Karachi-18 July 2015
Membersof the Central Coordination Committee of MQM have stated that MQM is beingsubjected to revenge and being crushed under the pretext of hate speech as itis the sole party representing the poor and middle class segments of thepeople, particularly of Mohajirs. They said that false and fabricated cases arebeing filed against Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of the MQM, and other partyoffice bearers throughout the country under the rubrics of hate speeches. MrKahaf-ul-Wara, in-charge of the Central Coordination Committee and Mr QamarMansoor, a member, were arrested by Para-Military Rangers during a raid at MQMHead Office during a dawn raid on 17th July 2015 while the banned outfits havebeen given impunity to hold rallies and make hate speeches based on sect, butno action is being taken against them.
TheMembers of the Central Coordination Committee said that Maulana Abdul Aziz of "LalMasjid" (Red Mosque) publicly issued decrees against the army and theConstitution of Pakistan and incited suicide attacks. When terrorists attackedPakistan army and killed the children at the Army Public School callously inPeshawar, Maulana Aziz refused to condemn. Instead, he justified the callousmurders of the children. Despite his contempt and disregard for the country'sconstitution and the armed forces, he was not arrested.
TheMembers of the Central Coordination Committee said that only yesterday, abanned religious outfit took out a rally in Karachi and made hate speechesagainst followers of another Islamic sect but no action was taken against them.On the other hand, false and fabricated cases are being registered against MrAltaf Hussain and other MQM leaders who are being arrested under shamjustification. People with intellect and knowledge can comprehend that MQM isbeing targeted under false excuses. Members of the Coordination Committeeconcluding their statement said that application of double standard of justiceand law is fostering hatred amongst the hearts and minds of people instead of amityand demanded release of Mr Qamar Mansoor and other arrested personsimmediately. End///