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MQM MPAs urge President, PM to take notice of extortionists’ threatening calls to wedding halls owners

MQM MPAs urge President, PM to take notice of extortionists’ threatening calls to wedding halls owners
 Posted on: 6/3/2013 1
Haq Parast members of Sindh Assembly have strongly condemned the threatening phone calls being received by owners of North Nazimabad wedding halls from extortionists and demanded of the authorities to protect lives and properties of the wedding halls’ owners.
In a joint statement issued here on Monday, the Haq Parast MPAs said that the professional extortionists and the terrorists who were earlier threatening traders, industrialists and shopkeepers of dire consequences and hand-grenade attacks in case of non-payment of extortion money, have now started threatening owners of wedding halls which, they added, was a clear proof that the law-enforcement agencies were helpless before the professional extortionists and the terrorists.
The Haq Parast MPAs deplored that it was astonishing to note that when the owners of the North Nazimabad wedding halls lodged their complaint vis-a-vis the extortionists’ threatening calls at the local police station, the police officials instead of fulfilling their basic duty of providing protection to the owners of the wedding halls asked them to make their own arrangements for the safety of their lives.
They questioned that that how the law-enforcement agencies and officials would bring an end to the acts of terrorism and the menace of extortion and how would they protect the citizens’ lives and properties when they themselves would demonstrate such criminal negligence and traditional lethargic attitude. 
The MPAs demanded of President Asif Ali Zardari, caretaker Prime Minister Mir Hazar Khan Khosso, caretaker Interior Minister Malik Habib, Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad and Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah to take serious notice of the terrorists’ threatening calls being made by extortionists to the owners of the wedding halls, arrest the culprits involved in such heinous crimes, giving them exemplary punishment.

9/26/2024 2:43:03 PM