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Indian aggression on Pakistani borders is shameful

Indian aggression on Pakistani borders is shameful
 Posted on: 1/10/2013
Democracy in the absence of local government system is nothing but an apology for democracy
MQM does not seek the division of Sindh but the Urdu-speaking people should not be pushed to the wall

The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has said that the Indian aggression on Pakistani borders was shameful. He said that democracy in the absence of local government institutions is nothing but an apology for democracy. He said that the government may remove Governor Sindh but the MQM would definitely take part in the long march being held in Islamabad on 14th January. He said, “We do not want the division of Sindh but the Urdu-speaking Sindhis should not be pushed to the wall.”
Mr Hussain expressed these views while talking to the Co-ordination Committee, Senators, MNAs, MPAs and office-bearer of different wings of the MQM in Lal Qila Ground in Azizabad. He expressed sympathies to the families of the people killed in a bomb blast in Quetta and a cylinder blast in Sawat.
Mr Hussain condemned the violations of the Pakistani borders by Indian armies and demanded of the Indian government to restrain its armies from committing unwarranted aggression. He said that the forces working against the country could take advantage of the situation hence the entire nation should get untied by forgetting political or ideological differences.
Mr Hussain said that the defence of the country was not the responsibility of the armed forces alone. The people of Pakistan should be ready to give every sacrifice for their country.
Speaking about the support extended by the MQM to the Long March for the purpose of electoral reforms and stability of democracy, he asserted that the MQM would definitely take part in the long march on 14th January. He said that every political party in the country had conducted long march in the past but the MQM was made the object of criticism.
Mr Hussain said that the MQM is the only political party in the country with democratic and moderate credentials. He said that the MQM wants a true democracy in the country according to its true spirit.
“Many people object to the MQM’s participation in the long march against feudalism despite being a part of the government. We have to enter into an alliance with one party or another but this does not mean a general support to every action of the government. Despite everything we have never deviated from our manifesto.”
Mr Hussain said that the people opposing the long march say that it would harm democracy. They say that the elections should be held on time and the majority party should be allowed to form the government. They forget that any party coming into power in the presence of this feudal system would have to work under the same system.
He said that the MQM was the only political party in the country that had sent educated and able people from the poor and middle class segments of the society in the elected houses. He said that no other political party can claim this achievement.
He said that the local government system was the nursery of democracy but political parties making tall claims about democracy do not support elections for local bodies. He said that democracy in the absence of local government was nothing but a fraud. He said it was unfortunate that the local government institutions were always set up by military governments.
Mr Hussain said that the PPP says that the nationalist forces in Sindh would become angry over the local government system. “Are we not Sindhi? Why do they not think about the Urdu-speaking Sindhis?”
Mr Hussain said, “The MQM does not want the division of Sindh but the government should not push the Urdu-speaking Sindhis to the wall. If the Urdu-speaking Sindhi nationalists got estranged then they would be forced to call for the division of Sindh.”

7/18/2024 4:31:42 AM