MQM has a firm belief in human rights and demands that the fundamental rights as incorporated in the Constitution of Pakistan must be fully respected. Pakistan is facing embarrassment throughout the world due to repeated violations of the human rights by the successive governments. MQM is of the view that all citizens of the country must be granted equal rights irrespective of their cast, colour, creed, race, language, religion, region, culture, faith, sect and sex or any political affiliation. In order to check the violations of human rights, MQM wants judiciary to be independent and free. MQM wants at government level an independent effective institution to be established that would investigate alleged violations and breaches of human rights in the country. The institution must have the authority to take action against any Government or the State functionary or employee wherever necessary and to institute proceedings through the court of law. From MQM’s point of view, race, language, colour and region should not be considered while appointing people for industry, trade and commerce, whether in government institutions or non-governmental organisations. The criteria should be merit and merit alone for obtaining employment.

MQM wants to see the end of child labour and desires that realistic and practical steps are taken, and policies formulated, whereby child labour is wiped out from the country forever.

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